Confessions (Chapter 1)

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*This is my first fanfic ever btw and my grammar and vocabulary is very limited XD. Enjoy and have a good day.*
It was Adrien's 16th birthday and Marinette knitted him a sweater as a gift. Little did she know her gift would set off a chain of misery and trouble. Marinette walked all around her room doubting her artistic talents, she could not help but think her gift would not be worthy of her crush. "Oh Tikki, I hope Adrien likes it." Marinette continued to frantically pace while her train of thought was going off the rails. It really was a great sweater. The colour was a beautiful emerald green (identical to Adrien's eye colour). It also had his name embroidered in white and cursive, it was practically a masterpiece. "Don't worry Marinette, it looks really good!" said Tikki in a joyful tone. "But it doesn't look great! I bet he'll think it's lame!" Marinette's heartbeat increased and she started to sweat.

"You're selling yourself short, I bet he'll love it, assuming you're going to give it to him!" Tikki chuckled, Marinette paused and took a deep breath. "Ok, I will! And I'm going to write down how I feel about him on the card too!" Tikki immediately started to celebrate and hugged Marinette, it was easy to tell Tikki approved and she was excited. "Wait, are you sure?" Tikki stopped her party and looked straight into Marinette's bluebell eyes. "I know, in the past I've failed, but the time feels right, AHHHHHHH!" "What's wrong? Did the news announce there is an akuma loose?" Tikki panicked all around waiting for Marinette's answer. "NO! Adrien just texted me! What should I say?" Tikki looked blankly at her owner but then said "I don't know much about romance, why don't you ask Alya?" Marinette quickly grabbed her phone "Good idea!"

A little while before the text, Adrien was in his bedroom with Plagg who was his camembert chewing obnoxiously loud. "Plagg, would you please keep it down, I'm trying to study!" exclaimed the blond. "I'm pretty sure you're too busy writing poems for Ladybug!" teased Plagg. "Uhh... you know what, you can continue being as loud as you want." Adrien sighed and turned back to his blank piece of paper in front of him. The kwami noticed the depressed expression on Adrien's face. "It's your birthday today Adrien! Why aren't you hanging out with your friends?" Adrien turned towards Plagg "You know how my Fathers like, he'd never let me out of the house..." Plagg responded "I guess you're right, plus you get to hang out with me." "Oh, Nino is on a date with Alya. I guess I could message Marinette." Adrien scrolled on his contact list and clicked on Marinette's name. Adrien messages Marinette "Hey Marinette! How are you?" "And sent! Plagg, I'm going to take a nap for awhile."

Back at Marinette's house, Marinette tries to reach out to Alya. Marinette messages: "Hey Alya! I know you're on your date with Nino, but please call me when you're free! I have major news!" Tikki knowing Marinette's nature assures Marinette saying "Don't expect Alya to respond and call back right away, you just have to be patient."

As soon as Tikki finished her sentence, Marinette's phone immediately began to ring. "Wow! That was quick!"

Alya and Marinette's call went like this:

Marinette: Hey Alya!

Alya: Hey Marinette! So, what's the scoop?


Alya: NO WAY! What did he say?

Marinette: He said "Hey" and "How are you?"

Alya: Just say something like "Hi! I'm great! How about you?"

Marinette: Ok, and... sent!

Alya: No way!

Marinette: Oh no! I sent it to Luka! ARGHHHHH!

Alya: And I thought you were making progress... just say "sorry wrong person"

Marinette: Ok, and... sent!

Alya: Good ok, have you sent a response to Adrien?

Marinette: Oh no! I sent the message for Luka to Adrien!

Alya: How about I come over? I'm free in 10 minutes.

Marinette: I think I'd like that.

Back in Adrien's room, Adrien noticed Marinette had read his message but still had not responded and she wasn't even typing. He thought to himself "Maybe Marinette doesn't want to talk to me", until he heard a notification. "Oh Marinette just replied. "Sorry wrong person XD" What do you think she means Plagg?" "Ladies are complicated Adrien. Unlike Camembert." Adrien uncomfortably watched Plagg swallow a whole chunk of camembert and responded saying "If you say so, I'm sure it was just a mistake."

After the text, Marinette was more than relieved to see Alya at her doorstep. "Thank you for coming Alya, I actually have an announcement to make." Alya eagerly waited for Marinette to finish her sentence with wide eyes, it seemed to be very important. "What is it?!". Marinette took a deep breath and said "I'm finally going to tell Adrien I like him, for real." Alya immediately started to dance. "NO WAY! You better not run out on this, you keep getting my hopes up!" "I swear on my life. I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng will tell Adrien Agreste I love him." "Ok, I'll help you so you don't accidentally forget to sign the card."

A few minutes later at Adrien's house, Nathalie collected Marinette's gift from the mailbox and made her way to Adrien's room. "Adrien, we have just received a package, well a birthday present from a girl named Marinette. She wishes you a wonderful birthday." "Ok, thank you Nathalie." The green-eyed boy watched Nathalie as she placed the present on his bed. "Happy Birthday Adrien." Then Nathalie left the room. Adrien carefully opens the gift and finds a sweater and the letter Marinette made and wrote for him. He was extremely grateful and impressed by the gift. "Wow! Finally some good clothes for you! No offence, but your shirt just looks so predictable." said Plagg as he looked at the sweater in awe. "Whatever Plagg, wow this is a long letter." Adrien slowly read the letter from Marinette. He couldn't believe what it said.

Dear Adrien,

I really hope you liked my gift. It took me forever to find the perfect green. I have something to tell you, no I'm not an alien and no I'm not a princess. The truth is, I've liked you since what feels like forever. You're so kind and giving and amazing. I swear this is not a prank. I twist my words around you because I always get so nervous around you (but not in a bad way).

I've sent you cards with poems because I couldn't pluck up the courage to tell you in person. I know this could seem pathetic, dumb and impossible but this is what people do and say when they're in love. I'm only doing this because I can't stop thinking about someone taking you away before I have the chance to tell you how I feel, and here we are.

I can imagine you reading every word like the considerable person you are, but anyways thank you for taking the time to read this and have a wonderful birthday.

Love, Marinette

Adrien dropped the letter and exclaimed "WAIT! MARINETTE LOVES ME?" "Ooo~, someone has a lover!" Plagg took the letter and waved it all over the room as if he was exposing Adrien in front of a whole stadium. "Oh no, I don't feel the same way. I don't want to hurt her feelings..." Plagg immediately stopped his act. "Why won't you go off with her? She likes you and her father is the best baker in Paris." "You know I love Ladybug, she's the only one I want to be with." said Adrien sternly. Plagg thought to himself "I don't see the difference between going out with Marinette and Ladybug; they're the same person... but Adrien doesn't know." "I feel like telling her in person, would you like to come with me, Plagg?". The kwami responded saying "Sure, presenting Adrien The Heartbreaker!" Adrien suddenly had a sick looking face. "Well, I hope I don't break her heart, Cat Noir already did that before."
*Ok that's all folks for part 1. I did this for fun and also I was really bored. The next few parts may be longer or shorter. Not quite sure yet. If it wasn't clear, Cat Noir 'broke' Marinette's heart in Weredad. He still doesn't know she lied about it.*

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