Dare Part 16

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I place my hands over his and he lifts his head. "She said she doesn't know what you're talking about and that you're doing it to break us up so you can have me for yourself."

"You realize how ridiculous that sounds right?" My feelings don't matter right now this is about him.

"Is it though?"

"Zach even if I did like you." I shake my head at the thought trying to express disgust, "why would I make up lies? I've never lied to you and you've never lied to me. I thought you trusted me."

"Of course I trust you Blake it's just, maybe you got it wrong. Maybe it was her brother or something."

"Zach I hate to say it but there was a little too much to tongue to be her brother." He cringes away at my words.

"You're positive you saw this?"

I nod.

He sighs, "okay I'm going to go talk to her again. Where is she."

"Corbyn might still be restraining her."

He raises his eyebrows in question and I wave it off. He walks off in the direction of the bus. "You okay Blake?" Jonah asks me as they stand up to go back.

"Yeah, thank you guys for going after him."

"Of course he's our friend and so are you." Jack grins and I return the smile.

We make it back to the bus and I walk on behind Jack and Jonah. The stop and I run into them, "guys?" I push past them and see Corbyn and Daniel first. They're sitting on the couch looking, shocked. Then I follow to where they're looking. Zach has his arm wrapped around Kendra and she's snuggled into him. It takes all my will power not to let my jaw drop. Seriously?

Zach sees my expression, "I've decided to give her a second chance. She promises to never do it again. Isn't that right?" He asks her.

She nods, "not that I did it in the first place." She glares at me. If looks could kill well I'd be a pile of ashes.

I decide to leave it alone, I clap my hands together once "okay guys what're we doing?"

I look at Corbyn and Daniel. They both shrug. "Okay Jack? Jonah?" They shrug too. "Wow okay fine I'm going to find an ice cream shop." I don't bother to ask if anyone wants to go. Maybe I need some time alone anyways. I walk off the bus and start down the sidewalk. Around the corner is a little ice cream parlor. I order my favorite; Superman ice cream on a waffle cone.

I'm looking down at my phone sitting at a table by the window when someone knocks on it. I look up and smile when I see everyone there even Kendra. They come inside and get themselves ice cream and sit in the table around me. We don't talk about much just about the show tomorrow and small things. Zach and Kendra aren't once brought up and I am thankful for that.

The next day came too soon. It was nice to have a day off. Luckily we got to sleep in the next day anyways. We spent the day driving, so it was more time to hang out with the guys. We played some cards until Jack suggested we play truth or dare.

"Seriously?" I roll my eyes.

"Come on it'll be fun." He says and I give in. "Alright Daniel truth or dare?"

Daniel laughs, "dare."

Jack strokes his chin thinking then smirks, "take a dumb selfie and make it your profile pic."

He sighs and pulls out his phone. He takes an awful selfie and shows it off to the group before making it his profile picture. "Okay Jonah truth or dare?"

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