All I Want

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A/N I'm not a medical professional. Anything written in this story would most likely not happen so please just enjoy.

Everyone has heard a story of some type, about what happens when you die. Some say you see a bright light at the end of a tunnel, or that you enter a black void of nothingness. Others say that there is a Heaven and Hell. Flip had never been the religious type in adulthood. It just seemed like something he couldn't cut out of his life. A silent comfort that he would keep to himself in the form of the Star of David around his neck. They say that death is painless and peaceful, but if that were true, then why did he still feel like he was dying?

The pain had been the first thing to break through his unconscious thoughts. It had been as if someone had doused him in gasoline and lit a match and despite trying, he couldn't get away from it. Yelling out in pain had proved futile, his body just wouldn't listen. He could feel his heartbeat racing in his chest as the sounds of the outside world started to become clearer. Muffled voices and noises at first, eventually turned into sentences that he could understand.

"This should help, but it's a good sign." he heard a voice say, "You should go home and get some rest, Detective Stallworth. We can call you when he wakes up."

Ron was here.
Where was here?

"Thank you, but I'm fine. I'd rather stay."

Flip felt the burning pain start to recede, only to be replaced with a numb tired feeling. He could already feel the world begin to close back around him. So this is the game his body wanted to play...

Ron sat in the chair against the wall in Flip's hospital room, sipping on a stale cup of coffee. A knock on the door made him turn to see it open slowly, revealing a worn-out-looking Ronnie.

"Hey." Ron greeted him.

Ronnie gave him a small smile back, "Hey."

"Why don't you sit? Stay awhile." Ron said gesturing to the chair next to him.

Ronnie quietly shut the door behind him and sat in the chair next to Ron, his eyes barely leaving the floor. "How is he?"

Ron let out a sigh, resting his elbows on his legs as he leaned forward. "He's alive so there's that, though I would expect nothing less from his stubborn ass." he chuckled, "He's not out of the woods yet, but he's doing much better."

"That's good to hear," Ronnie answered lifting his head to look at Ron.

"How's Zoey?"

It was now Ronnie's turn to laugh. "She's good. They discharged her today. Aside from Eight stitches and the initial concussion she got, she should be fine. Even the baby looked good." he said with a smile.

"Now THAT is good news." Ron said patting Ronnie's leg, "Do you know what it is yet?"

"Uh, yeah but Zoey and I have agreed to wait." Ronnie's head hung low again, "She wants Flip and Kelsey around."

"Of course," Ron said understandably, as he looked over to where Flip lay motionless, aside from the movement of his chest rising and falling with each breath. "What's the latest on Kelsey?"

Ronnie shook his head, "No change. Zoey won't leave her side. She keeps telling me that she doesn't want her to wake up and be alone."

"Understandable. I can't seem to leave Flip, either. I just feel like I owe it to him to be here." Ron said taking another sip from his coffee, "Has Noah asked about them?"

"He has. Amy and Adam flew in as soon as they could. They picked him up last night. We weren't sure what to tell him, so we haven't said anything." Ronnie answered.

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