Eclipse- Moon

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//Part 2 of Blue Moon! Go read it first!//

//Moon's POV//

This was horrible. Y/N was ignoring Moon and Hawk couldn't get away from Moon. She was losing her mind. Moon had figured out that she wanted to be with you, but she had to figure out a way to tell Hawk. She didn't want to hurt him, but she had to make sure the message got through. The female had decided, she'd tell him at lunch. The worst he could do was yell, even if it would scare her. The bell rang loudly in her ears, snapping her out of her daze, trying to figure out what to say to Hawk.

Now, it was lunch, and Hawk was walking down to the lunchroom with his Cobra Kai possy, like always. Moon remembered when she'd be under Hawk's arm, making small talk with one of the guys as they made their way down the hallway. And now, she was running down that hall to him to break up with him.

"Hawk!" She yelled down the hall, eventually getting the attention of the taller male, nodding for the guys to go ahead. Moon slowly caught up with Hawk, being pretty out of breath from running down the hall in heels while avoiding everybody. After a minute, she spoke up, messing with her hands, spinning her ring on her finger.

"Hawk, I really need to talk to you. This had been really great, and I wouldn't trade it for the world, but..I don't think it's working out." She spoke softly, hoping he'd get it. But all Hawk did was shove his hands in his pockets, scoffing a little bit before looking back at her.

"What do you mean? What isn't working out?" He clearly didn't get it, and it was just making it harder on both of them. Moon was trying to figure a better way to say it, but it was difficult to break it to someone like Hawk.

"What I mean is, we aren't working out. I've kinda...gotten feelings for someone else.." Hawk snapped his head in Moon's direction at those words, his cheeks and ears instantly getting hot in anger.

"What? WHO?!" He yelled a little too loud, Moon gently cupping her hand over his mouth to quiet him, a couple of heads looking over. Hawk grabbed her wrist gently, Moon flinching as he began to move, making Hawk's heart hurt at the fact that he scared her.

"You have to promise me you cannot get upset." She spoke stern, Hawk nodding after a moment as he folded his arms, wanting to know who ruined his relationship. Who he was going to have a vendetta with. Cause that person was definitely going to have a talk with Hawk. Well...a talk with his fists.

"It's Y/N.." She mumbled softly, not sure what he was going to do. It was hard to read someone like Hawk in a situation like this, she just hoped he took the news well.

"Y/N?! YOU'RE LEAVING ME FOR Y/N?!" He yelled, announcing it to the whole cafeteria, including you. Moon hadn't told you anything about actually breaking up with Hawk, but you also didn't give her much of a chance to. But the moment you heard yelling, you ran to where it had come from.

"Look, this stuff happens. That doesn't mean you guys can't still be friends right?" You asked as you tried to calm Hawk down a little, but it didn't seem to be working, gripping to Moon's hand as you could tell her nerves were up. Hawk had never hurt her, but that didn't mean that he wasn't intimidating.

"Oh save it you little homewrecker!" He yelled at you, forcing yourself to get a little cocky, standing in front of Moon as she stood behind you, still holding onto your hand.

"And I bet I made her feel better than you ever did." You spoke as you stared into his eyes, playfully tilting up his chin before he slapped your hand away. Of course you didn't mean sexually feel better, but Hawk didn't need to know that. You had always made sure Moon was comfortable, happy and always felt beautiful and loved. That was the type of feel better you meant. And Moon knew that. You turned around, gently wrapping your arm around Moon's shoulders, her nerves still high.

"You did great baby. I'm real proud of you." You whispered softly to her before pressing a gentle kiss to her temple, making Moon blush like crazy and look down. That could've gotten a lot worse.

//I'm so sorry this sucks, but that might just be my opinion//

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