twentythree - change

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the art of change

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"If Sacha comes near me, I will hit him with a metal stick. Don't test me."


"I'll boil your fucking teeth, Tait. Don't mess with me."

"As unsettling as that sounds," I cut in, making Hendrix round her glare onto me. "We're actually trying to organize where we're going so if you'd be so polite as to shut up for five minutes, we can decide."

She blinked at me, mouth set in a straight line as she deadass said. "You'll be my twelfth reason, and my second choice."

Not even wanting to attempt to interpret that statement, I turned to Jem. Kareem and I were cuddled together on the coach, my arm falling asleep as we'd been arguing about this for the past twenty five minutes. "Any suggestions?"

"Anywhere she isn't." They nodded towards Hendrix, making her glower in response.

"And I actually considered you to be my favorite!" She tutted, feigning disappointment. "Looks like Sacha is my first choice now."

Noting my brother's absence, I bit back a laugh as Kareem shouted out in protest. "Hey! What about me?"

Hendrix looked at him blankly, as if she hadn't even considered Kareem in her internal ranking. She hummed for a minute before sighing and shaking her head. "Nah. You're automatically demoted through association to him." She gestured at me.

"Sacha's my brother." I deadpanned.

"Yeah, but he finds you more annoying than I do."

"Didn't you throw a spider at him last week?" Jem pointed out thoughtfully, "And put glue in his hair. And made him eat a burnt cookie by covering it in icing. And-"

"Okay!" Hendrix shouted, effectively cutting Jem off. "Point taken and denied. Sacha is my favorite, end of discussion."

"He said pink hair doesn't suit you."

"He's dead to me." She declared immediately. No room being left for rebuttal. She smiled widely, seemingly impressed with her choice. "Looks like I'm destined to spend my life alone. Blessed. Thank the Lesbian Gods."

"I don't know why you even attempt to argue with Sach. You're practically the same person." My eyes narrowed at Hendrix while she laughed, so clearly amused with herself.

It doesn't take a second for the laugh to die on her tongue, "Take that back."

"All Sacha needs is a pink wig and he'd practically be you."

Hendrix gasped with something of disgust and horror as she went to hit me. I jumped back, throwing myself out of Kareem's arms and across the couch before standing up. Just before her open hand dared to make contact, however, the door slammed open.

Sacha stood in the door frame, mouth agape as he held his phone tightly in his right hand. The hair on the back of my neck instantly rose as I took in my brother's shock, pushing past an open-mouthed Hendrix and moving towards him.

"Sach?" I started off, not quite sure what to say. His eyes were blank, completely empty as he began to shake his head. "What's wrong? Did something happen? Are you ok-" The words died on my tongue.

Everything was silent. The only sound in the door was our heavy breathing as we waited for some shred of detail on what had just happened. I needed to know what had occurred to make my brother look like that.

After what felt like a millennium, Sacha finally released a whisper. The words barely slipped past his lips, voice raspy. "We did it."

My brows furrowed in confusion as I took another step forward. "Did what?"

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