You Fight

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Everything in the last year had been different with Sam. He used to love showing you off and now he'd ignore you constantly and every time you'd text he'd never reply. Not even Colby knew what Sam was doing. So one day you went to talk to Colby about tour since Sam obviously didn't wanna talk to you.

"So, how's tour?" You asked.

"Super fun, but Sam is only around when he has to be, like at the show, and meet and greets and stuff." Colby frowned.

"He's being suspicious lately. Sam wouldn't cheat, would he?" The nerves began to speak. What if he'd found someone better?

"No, he's my best friend and I know him just as well as you, he'd never hurt you like that." Colby was quick respond. Then you broke down crying.

"I just don't think he loves me anymore." You sobbed. Colby sighed and pulled you into a hug whilst you cried into his shoulder.

Sam's POV

She couldn't think like that. Why didn't she come to me instead of crying to my best friend? I quickly left Colby's house feeling betrayed.

Your POV

An hour later I went home because Colby had to do his homework. Sam called as soon as I got in my room saying he was coming over.

Once he arrived I knew he was mad.

"You're cheating on me with Colby?!" He shouted.

"No! My boyfriend doesn't talk to me anymore and I didn't know who else to talk to about this! You're ignoring him too."

"Because best friends don't steal girlfriends!"

"Well he'd be a better boyfriend than you're being!" I snapped, then sighed. "I'm done. We're done." You spat.


"No you don't trust me. You ignore me, you don't love me anymore so I'm doing you a favor." I interrupted. He started crying in the middle of my room. He back into the wall and tugged at his blonde hair as he slid down the wall crying.

"Don't leave me. Please, please don't leave me. I'm so, so, sorry. I love you so much, please." He sobbed.

"Sam." I whimpered. I kneeled in front of him and hugged him while he cried.

"I'm sorry. I've been so terrible to you lately and I blamed you for it, I blamed my best friend for all of this. Now I'm gonna lose both of you." He cried.

"You're not losing me or Colby. We can even go talk to him if you want." I cooed running my hands through his hair.

"Please." He cried. I nodded and we headed towards Colby's house.

We got there and Colby immediately could tell Sam was crying by his red, eyes and sad face.

"Tell him what you told me." I said. Sam looked towards Colby and frowned even more.

"I was begging her not to leave because once she left I knew I'd had nothing left. You'd want a friend who didn't completely ignore you for months." Sam sobbed.

"Dude, there's no way I'm gonna ditch such an amazing best friend." Colby stated.

"See, I told you." I said. Sam and Colby hugged and I was internally crying at the cuteness of this all.


It was hard watching your boyfriend stare at other girls. Once you were done hanging out in public you were convinced he'd dump you for a prettier girl. Your mother told you when you were little something you never thought you'd have to worry about with Colby.

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