He Hits You part 2

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I can't believe I hit her. How could I have been so stupid? I love her, but yet I still hurt her in ways I never thought possible. I'm so stupid. I immediately rushed to my car and drove to Colby's house. I had to see if she was okay.

I knocked on his door and he rolled his eyes at me. "I deserve that."

"She most likely doesn't wanna see you." Colby said.

"I know but I just wanna make sure she's okay." I mumbled.

"She's fine for a girl who just got HIT BY HER BOYFRIEND."

"I can't believe I did that. Every time you say it or I think about it I feel like it wasn't me that did it, that something possessed me and hurt her."

"I'm only letting you see her because you're my best friend and I ship you two so hardcore. I know you love her so don't be stupid." He said. I thanked him and he let me in. She was on the couch crying, a dark bruise visible on her cheek. A tear fell from my eye knowing I did that. (Y/N) saw me and got up to run away.

"Please don't run away. I'll stay right here, far way from you. Anything to get you to talk to me."

"Fine." She growled.

Your POV

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry. There will never be enough apologies in the world to make up for what I did. Nothing I could say or do could make you love me again." Sam began to cry. "I just don't wanna lose you. I've messed up a lot in life, but letting you go will be the worst."


"I hurt you. I physically hurt you. I'm a monster. I never thought I could hurt someone like that, but I did. And I hate that it was you."

"Sam, I never stopped loving you. How could I? You tell me I'm beautiful everyday and even though I deny it you still want to someday make me believe it." I continued. "You always make sure that I feel safe. Sure, you did one thing that made me feel scared, but it's one thing. People make mistakes."

"So..." He muttered.

"So I forgive you. But if you do it again I will be gone and I will kick your butt." You grinned.

"I know." He whined. "Thank you." He added and pulled me into a hug. Colby ran in and started screaming.



Colby let you stay in his bed that night since he knew you didn't like being home alone and your parents were out of town. He couldn't help but stay up all night thinking about how he'd make this up to you. It wouldn't be easy, but he had to try. If he lost you, he'd never love again.

The next day at school you'd put on concealer to hide the bruise so people wouldn't ask questions. At lunch you saw Colby standing on a table in the middle of the cafeteria with roses and a button down shirt on.

"There is a girl here I love with every ounce of my being. She loves me too, maybe even loved after the way I hurt her. But here I am, ready to confess my love to her." Colby announced. Sam had already been filming this since he'd stood on the table. "This girl supports me through everything I do and I do the same for her. She always lets me know when I'm in the wrong and makes sure that I know she loves me everyday. Lately I've been taking that for granted, ignoring her and pretending she never existed. I don't even know why." He jumped from the table and walked over to the other side of the cafeteria where you were sitting with your friends.

You stood up and he gently took your hand in his and you smiled as his warm hand held yours. "This beautiful girl right here is my princess and one day, maybe my queen. Maybe we'll have little princes and princesses running around the house and they'll find their own princes and princesses. If we've made it through the horrors of high school the past four years together, we can take on any challenge." At this point you were full on sobbing.

"Colby..." He smiled and faced you while wiping your tears.

"I love you (Y/N)." Then the biggest smile appeared on his face and he couldn't help but blush at the fact he'd just been so romantic in public. Colby held your face in his hands and kissed you. Everyone cheered and you both smiled into the kiss.

"I love you too Colby. I forgive you."

"Really?" He asked. I nodded and he picked me up and spun me around in a hug. "Thank you. I will spend my whole life making this up to you."

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