Colby Imagine for Zoe

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Zoe's POV

I walked out of the bathroom holding a pregnancy test. Positive. Colby and I got married two months ago and everything been great.

I made some of Colby's favorite snacks and put the pregnancy test in a box wrapped with wrapping paper.

"Babe! I'm home!" Colby screamed from the door. Soon he walked into the kitchen and saw me smiling like a crazy person. "What's up?" He asked smiling. I handed him the box and he looked at me weird.

"Open it!" I screamed excitedly at him. He laughed at my excitement and opened the box.

"You're pregnant?" He asked. I nodded. Colby screamed in excitement and picked me up and spun my around. When he put my down he put his hand on my stomach. "We're gonna have a baby." Colby mumbled. I nodded. "Imma go call my momma!" He screamed. I laughed at his dorkiness and went to go call my parents and give them the news.

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