Colby Imagine for Micaylah

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A/N Again sorry this took so long Micaylah! Hope you enjoy!

You and Colby were sitting on the couch watching Love Actually because you forced him to watch it because it's your favorite romance movie of all time. His arm was around your shoulders and your legs were tangled together. He kept glancing at you, watching you mumble every word of the movie when someone said something.

He smiled thinking about how weird you were and how much he loved it. You turned and caught him.

"What?" You asked.

"You're adorable quoting this movie under your breath." You blushed and both laughed. He paused the movie and it became silent. You looked at each other and smiled.

Then he began leaning in and you followed. When your lips met you felt sparks. Your cheeks were tomato red when you pulled apart. After dating for three months you had finally kissed.

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