He finds out you self-harm

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A/N this could be slightly triggering. I'm always here to talk. I do have experience with self harm as well.


You were both shy, and since you were bullied at school, being shy didn't help. You never stuck up for yourself. Everything they said and did since kindergarten led up to the day when you were twelve and began cutting. Now, you had a boyfriend, who was completely oblivious the self harm, and he was great.

So you were causally reading in the hall by your locked for your free period and someone walked up and kicked the book from your hands. You looked up to see Diana, (sorry if your name is Diana!) your main bully, smirking down at you. She pulled you up by your hair and threw you into the lockers. Then she grabbed your wrist, which had been freshly cut yesterday, causing you to hiss in pain.

You saw Sam and Colby out of the corner of your eyes and they looked concerned. They walked over and tried to get Diana off of you. Her jock friends came up and held them back.

"What's that?" She grinned. The next thing you knew your bracelets were on the ground showing your many cuts and scars running up and down your arm. "Look Sam, you're dating a freak." The giggles flowed from her mouth easily.

"Leave me alone." I spat.

"Shut up, attention whore." She retorted and threw me to the ground. Her and her girl friends came and kicked my down before I could get up. The kicks kept coming and coming until I was coughing up blood, then it stopped. Everyone walked away, except for Sam and Colby. They kneeled down to check on the bruises and Colby ran to get the nurse.

"Why? Why would you hurt yourself?" Sam cried. "I never thought it was this bad."

"It's my fault. I deserve all of this." I replied. "I deserve to die." I whispered.

"No." He spat. "I will not let you think like that. Beautiful you've got so much to live for, and I'm not gonna let you hurt yourself anymore. Just talk to me if you're gonna do this. Okay?"

"Okay." I replied. The nurse came after I put my bracelets back on and gave me ice and a note for my next class if I was late.


You knew if you told Colby he'd flip. Your family hated you, mostly because you were nothing like your big sister. A law student who never got anything but an A. You got B's and sometimes A's but that wasn't good enough. According to your parents you were wasting your life thinking music would ever work out for you.

Once they said that you began to self harm. You were fourteen at the time and you came to school the next day looking glum. Now you walked in with a more than fake smile on your face and waited for when the school day would conclude.

You were at lunch with Sam and Colby when you all heard screaming from the other side of the cafeteria.

"She did what?!" Kelsey, your arch rival, screamed. (Sorry Kelsey's!) She stormed over to your table and immediately looked at you. "You." She spat.


"You said you'd take a good picture not this." She replied showing you the photo. It was when the sun was going down and her hair was flipping when the camera went off.

"It is good." I replied.

"Not even close. Ya know what forget it. I'll get my revenge." Kelsey had been my best friend when I was fifteen, the only one who knows about my self harm. She stood up on the table and everyone looked at her intrigued. "This girl is an attention whore." No, she would never stood that low. I stood up to and tried to get her down.

"Nothing to see here folks! Carry on." I screamed.

"She self harms!" Kelsey screamed. Everyone stopped and looked at me. I could feel my breathing getting heavy and the only thing heard in the cafeteria was my beating heart.

"(Y/N) is that true?" Colby asked.

"I-I um..." I ran out of the cafeteria and tears stung my eyes as everyone watched laughing.

I heard a few muttering some things like attention whore, freak, and loser, et cetera.

My girl friend Brianna ran after me because I went in the girls bathroom and Sam and Colby couldn't go in there. She pulled me out and I began to heavily sob knowing everyone would ruin my life. I got this crap at home, now school too.

"I just wanna die." I sobbed. Colby looked immediately broken after that. My boyfriend and my best friends didn't know I was this sad. Or sad at all, really.

I pulled off my bracelets showing every little mark ever made on myself. Sam and Colby cried and Brianna looked away. She also self harmed and couldn't bare the thought of her friend doing it too.

"Please don't hurt yourself anymore." Colby begged. "I'll do anything just please."

"I'll try." I replied with a smile. Sam and Colby pulled me into a hug and I cried on their shoulders. I would stop for them. "I love you guys."

"We love you too (Y/N/N)." They grinned.

Sam and Colby Preferences and ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu