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I walked down the High school hallway to my locker. Fidgeted with the lock for a moment and then leaned against my locker in despair. "Hey, loser. Can't get it open?" Ben guff asked leaning against my locker so I couldn't try to get it open. "Go away, Ben." I huffed, I was sick of him. He was the biggest bully in all of Lakeside. "Why? Don't you love me? Everyone loves me." Ben declared, "Everyone doesn't love you Guff now I'm going to be late for a test so excuse me." I said annoyed trying to get my locker open with him leaning against it. "Oh, late for a test? Shame, shame you know your name. Well I suppose I should let you go but this has been fun chatting with you. Although I didn't tell you what happened over the weekend. You see I-" Ben cut himself off as the bell rang. "I don't want to be late now so you should thank me for speaking to you to brighten up your day" Ben teased. "Not in the mood." I growled trying to keep my anger from erupting. Ben shrugged off the locker and strutted down the hall. I whipped open my locker, snatched my math papers, slammed my locker shut and sprinted down to math class. It should have been against the law to make tenth graders take math tests in the morning, but of course it wasn't. I slumped in my seat as Miss. Morrison passed out test papers. She recited the rules and then told us we could begin. I tried reading the paper but couldn't focus. I could never focus. By the end of the class I was sure if teachers gave out a Z as a grade, I would get it. Yup. Z for zilch. Zero. I trudged to my locker tossed my papers in and grabbed my history notebook. I hated history. I hated every class at school really. My dad wasn't much help either. He was just a rich billionaire with a dump of a kid. I was adopted by him when I was two. My biological parents had died in a car crash and I had barely survived the ordeal. Well my adopted dad claimed that the car accident had messed up my brain because when I told him that I was seeing people in black cloaks he got me a physiologist. Before I got to history the fire bell rang. My head did triple front flips. Before I knew what was happening a figure in a cloak scooped me up and held a cloth to my mouth. The world dimmed and then went black.

I woke up in a stone room, there was nothing in the room but me. I was tied up and gagged lying in the middle of the floor. My head was too heavy I couldn't move it. A door opened on the opposite wall I was facing and a cloaked figure walked in. I tried wiggling my body to get away from the figure but I had no strength. A second figure walked in and said, "good thing we used a stronger sedative. We can't have this one being rescued either." The first cloaked figure squatted down and said, "Where is it? Where is it?" I didn't know what he was talking about. He shook my shoulders and yelled, "Where is it!" "I-I don't know," I rasped. My voice sounded odd. "We know you know! Tell us!" The second figure yelled. His hand erupted in flames and he held it close to my face. "I don't know." I rasped again, the one holding the fire leaned closer and studied my face. "The sedative was too strong. Try again in an hour." The first figure backed off and the flames disappeared from the second guy's hand. They walked to the door and the first guy looked back. "You sure she isn't just buying time?" He asked, "She's not. And if she's smart she will tell us everything once we come back." Then they left. The door sealed shut closing me in my prison. I don't know how much time passed but it was a lot. After what seemed like days a figure stumbled into the room. He had short blond hair and was bloody. He crawled over to me and shuffled around his neck, looking for something. Whatever he was looking for he couldn't find it. He grumbled and grabbed my arm roughly. The sedative they had given me had worn off but I was still very weak. Then another man charged into the room followed by a small pixie like girl. The man stopped in his tracks when he saw me. The girl tripped but the man caught her. The girl had blond hair and looked around my age. The man looked like he could be a dad. The man shook off his surprise and charged the blond haired guy grabbing my arm. He deck him and the blond and bloody guy dropped to the ground unconscious. The girl stepped toward me. "What are we going to do?" She asked, "She's a human. We have to help her. And then get the council to search all through here. If she is here there must be others." The man replied, swinging the bloody guy over his shoulder. The pixie like girl stepped toward me again. I wasn't sure what to do. My head was spinning as she cut my bonds and helped me to my feet. She carried most of my weight as the man led us out of the room. We eventually emerged from a water fountain into a city. Lamp posts lined the streets. The girl stepped down from the water fountain into water. There was stone underneath but at least a foot of water on top. A boy around the girl's age walked down the street towards us. He had silver tipped bangs and three bodies were floating around him. The man carrying the bloody man tossed the man to the ground and ran to one of the bodies. It was a girl. She had blond hair and was pretty. I didn't get a chance to see what the other two bodies look like because then I blacked out.

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