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I woke up in the room I had chosen at Everglen. I sat up in bed and looked around. It was the same way I had seen it first. I climbed out of bed and winced. There were bandages wrapped around my right calf. I had no idea how I had gotten in the bed or had my calf wrapped in so many bandages but didn't really care. I walked to the door and opened it, stepping out. No one was in sight. I walked down the corridor, down the stairs and into the living room where Mr. Forkle was being questioned. "What's going on?" I asked, every head turned to me and my cheeks burned. "Mr. Forkle claimed before to not have a way into your mind but proved earlier that he does." Emery grumbled glaring at the pudgy man. "What do you mean proved earlier?" I asked, "and how did I get in bed?" "Proved earlier by triggering your memories we didn't know were lost. You also saved us from the Neverseen." A boy that looked like Alden said taking a step in my direction. "Who are the Neverseen and what do you mean by saved you? All I remember was eating and talking and then I was in the bed." I told them, all heads turned to Mr. Forkle. "Tell us now or we will have you exiled." Emery demanded, when Mr. Forkle remained silent Emery made a little hand motion to a few goblins and they stepped out of the shadows. "I do suppose she needs to know something." Mr Forkle sighed, "when you were an infant I visited you. Your mind was strong even then but not too strong. I could get in. I went into your mind and placed triggers. If I say certain words it will trigger certain memories or all memories or it will erase memories." Mr. Forkle explained, "so when you said Initiate Moonlark protect. That was a trigger?" The mini Alden asked, "Yes. And nice try Fitz, it only works with my voice. You do not want her to have her memories. They can cause the whole world to crumble." Mr Forkle replied, "so, you keep memories from her like you do me?" Sophie asked quietly. "Yes, Miss foster. Although, I do not keep your life from you." Mr Forkle answered Sophie. I stared at the ground. I had a whole other life that this stranger had taken from me. I might have a whole other family. That's when I remembered my Dad. He was probably searching for me. My Dad wasn't great but at least he somewhat cared. I was about to ask what happened to him when a goblin came running in. He was out of breath. "When we were doing a perimeter sweep we found this." The goblin said tossing a black cloak and a letter on the ground. Alden picked it up slowly and opened the letter. He glanced at it and shook his head. "I can't read it." Alden said passing the letter on to see if anyone else could read it. The letter passed through everyone's hands except mine and Mr. Forkle's. Mr. Forkle glanced at it and paled. "They couldn't-how-no they couldn't." He murmured shaking his head. "What does it say?" Emery asked, "I can't read it but there is one hard wired to read this writing." He said motioning to me. Emery sighed, "you will tell us everything it says or there will be consequences." He motioned for Mr. Forkle to give me the letter and reluctantly he gave it. I studied it, it didn't look like it was in a different language to me. It looked like a normal letter but with swirly writing. The letter read:

You know your memory has been taken. We can get it back. We just need Intel. Meet us on the edge of Wildwood at noon tomorrow. Come alone. Tell no one. We will know if you tell someone or pass a note. We are watching. Choose wisely or things will get ugly.-Yours truly, The Neverseen.

I looked up. Everyone was staring. I had to come up with a lie quickly. I wanted my memory back. I wanted my life back. "It is just a warning. It says," I cleared my throat and pretended to read from the paper. "You escaped this time. We are watching. You may have pawns but we do too. You have tricks up your sleeves. Guess what? We have big sleeves too. Yours truly, the Neverseen." I finished fake reading, the fancy people near Emery glanced at each other. Then nodded, "Good. I hope you continue to work with us." Emery said, he nodded to everyone in the room and walked out with the other fancy people behind him. Della rushed over and helped me to the couch. Now that I wasn't thinking about lying I noticed my leg hurt. Elwin was there too and he gave me a few bottles of weird colored to drink. "Hey, um. Sometime today could you give me that tour?" I asked Della. "If you feel up to it." She replied, looking at me suspiciously. I understood why she was suspicious, I had just found out that someone had taken my memories from me and one of the first things I had said was 'hey Della, can you show me around sparkle town?' While she worked out specifics of the tour I sat there feeling very guilty. Keefe was looking at me suspiciously but other than that everyone was acting normal. Once the details had been worked out Della said she was ready to give me a tour and get me some new clothes. Keefe said he wanted to come which surprised me. Keefe coming ended up in all of Sophie's friends along with Sophie coming. We all held hands and Della pulled us into the light.

When the rushing sensation stopped we were standing on some rocks overlooking the ocean. "Don't freak out." Della told me, she pulled a bottle from her purse and smashed it against the stones. A funnel was created in the ocean. "All you have to do is jump," Della yelled over the wind. "You expect me to jump into that!" I exclaimed, "that's suicide!" "No it isn't!" Fitz yelled, and with that jumped in. I bit back a scream. "I can push you," a girl with long brown frizzy hair suggested. I backed away from the funnel, "No. Not. Ever. Happening." I decided, I felt a hand on my back and the next thing I knew I was falling. I reached out trying to grasp anything to keep me alive, but couldn't find anything. I decided now was a perfect time to scream. As I was falling I saw the rest of the group jump in after me.

Instead of drowning I fell onto a sponge. I quickly climbed off as the rest of the group landed on the sponge. "WHO PUSHED ME!" I bellowed, "totally not me." The girl with long frizzy hair said sheepishly tossing her hair over her shoulder. "YOU LITTLE ROACH!" I yelled, "I already do not like heights! You just made my top ten fears." I was close to tears. I had been so scared just standing on the rock. But falling. Oh falling was much worse. I was not going to cry in front of these people. "Well, lets get on with this." Della said putting an arm around me and shooting a look at the girl. After Atlantis-as I later discovered it was called-we went to many different places. Della told me I would start going to a school tomorrow called Foxfire. I remembered reading about a fungus called Foxfire but kept my mouth shut. Once we were done with the tour I was tired and Keefe was looking at me suspiciously. We all went back to Everglen and ate weird goop food that tasted like cheeseburgers. Then most of the teens left except for the mini Alden and mini Della. Della introduced me to her daughter Biana and then I said I was tired so I went to bed knowing that tomorrow I wasn't going to be eating lunch at noon.

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