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I woke up and opened my eyes, looking at the pink curtains of my canopy bed. I attempted rolling over but a hand was placed gently on my chest to stop me from moving. I cracked an eye and found Elwin standing over me with wild hair and his goofy glasses.

"Good, you're up. I need you to drink these." Elwin said grabbing a few vials from his bag of vials.

"Why, what are in them?" I croaked.

"That doesn't matter, they will help the burns heal." Elwin replied.

"Burns?" I asked.

Then it hit me. The Neverseen. My stupid brain not functioning and telling me it was a good idea to go meet them.

I groaned and lifted my arm to take a vial from Elwin but stopped. I stared at my arms. They had blisters and burn marks in the shape of hands from when the flaming guy grabbed me.

"Yes and they won't heal properly if you don't drink these." Elwin remarked noticing my shocked expression.

I snatched the vials from him and chugged each one not caring about the awful taste. All I could think of was my stupid mistake and the burns on my arms.

"Good girl." Elwin murmured stepping away from the bed and opening the door.

He poked his head out and called, "I need a baby-sitter!"

"I'm not a baby." I huffed.

"Yes, but you proved yourself untrustworthy yesterday." Elwin retorted giving me a look that made me shrink under my covers.

I rolled my eyes as a goblin sauntered into the room. "This is Odeth. You're new babysitter or body guard. However you like to see it. I do not have a few of the things that you need to heal so he will be watching you." Elwin introduced the mountain of muscle.

Elwin turned to walk out of the room. "Wait!" I called after him.

"Yes?" Elwin asked turning around.

"You're just going to leave me here with that-that thing?" I asked incredulous.

"I am not a thing and I expect you to respect me." Odeth said clearing his throat.

"Good, now that you two have worked things out I will be off. Odeth she is allowed to have visitors." Elwin told Odeth.

Odeth grunted and Elwin disappeared. I sighed and stared at the ceiling. Why, why, why, why, why had I been stupid enough to trust those freaks. The Neverseen. Blech.

There was a knock on the door and Odeth grumbled, "Come in."

"Thanks for asking." I muttered as the boy with silver bangs, Fitz, Biana, Sophie, Keefe and a bunch of other people walked into the room.

I waved from the bed and saw that they looked concerned instead of angry. I expected them all to be very angry because I took the crystal wand.

"Hey, how's it going?" Sophie asked, waking to the side of the bed while the others hung back.

"At this point, it isn't going." I replied earning a couple grins.

"You know you can never trust them. Right?" Sophie asked.

"I do now. For some reason my brain just had to turn off." I grumbled.

"Yeah, I get that. Well, umm, I'll let you get some rest." Sophie said gently.

I nodded and mustered a smile. Sophie walked out of the room followed by everyone else who had come in.

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