14 3 0

My eyes flicked open. People were surrounding my bed and they all were either yelling or trying to stop the yelling. I lifted my head and immediately regretted it. My head felt like a dead weight. The room spun as Sophie standing on the left side of my bed noticed that I was awake. She gave me a worried look and then got Sandor to notice me. He did a high pitched whistle and everyone silenced.

"Now that you're all done acting like two-year olds Alex is awake." Sophie told them.

The counselors gave her a nasty look and then turned to me. " What do you remember?" Every asked.

"Back off she only just got her memories back." Odeth told him putting a hand on my shoulder and for once I was happy to have him as my bodyguard.

"Look who you are speaking to goblin" Emery spat.

I thought about Emery's question. I didn't remember anything. I do remember my brain swirling with what I though were memories but now I didn't remember anything new.

"Do you remember the place that you supposedly 'rule'?" Emery's asked me.

"No one ever told me and I don't remember anything new so no." I replied.

Emery's turned to Mr. Forkle. "You gave her, her memories back. Correct?" He asked clearly angry.

"I did." Mr. Forkle replied obviously confused too. He stepped over to the right side of my bed and reached up. "I am going to see if I can see into you're mind. Alright?" Mr. Forkle told me. I nodded and he gently placed two fingers in each of my temples.

A sharp pain filed my head and screams broke out. Not in the room but in memories that had surfaced. These memories were horrible. People being slaughtered, people in dark cloaks holding daggers. I heard someone shout my name but darkness enveloped me.


Hey guys!

So I know this chapter was short but I promise I am doing a triple update!!!

I know, right?

I'm excited! So I hope that makes up for this chapter being short!


Many Moonlarks✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant