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I woke up to a knock on the door. Climbing out of bed I said, "come in." Della poked her head in and said, "good morning. You'd better hurry if you want to get to Foxfire on time. I put your uniform in your closet." "Okay," I replied. Della walked out of the room, I walked to the closet and opened the doors. There was a uniform on the first hanger. I grabbed it and changed into it. It was a green tunic with a black and green plaid skirt like in those old boarding school movies. There was also a green cape which I already hated. I walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs to the dining room where we had eaten the night before. Fitz and Biana were sitting at the table scarfing down something that looked like pink chunky pudding. They looked up and waved as they shoved more food in their mouths. "Excuse their manners. They don't like being late." Della apologized. "Guess we have that in common." I replied, Della nodded and placed a third bowl of chunky pudding on the the table. "It's really good. Just try it." Fitz said pausing and looking up. I tentatively sat down and picked up the spoon, scooping a little into the spoon I stuck out my tongue and licked it. It tasted like strawberry yogurt mixed with kiwis. I ate my food and stood as Biana picked up her book bag. "Oh, Alex your book bag was in your closet I'm sorry I forgot to tell you." Della apologized. "That's fine I'll run and get it," I replied dashing up the stairs and pulling open my door. I ran to my closet and snatched the book bag from the floor. I remembered the note from the Neverseen and dashed to my bed. I squatted down and yanked the black cloak out from under along with the note. I shoved both in my bag and dashed back down the stairs where Fitz and Biana were waiting. "You ready to go?" Biana asked, "yep." I replied, Fitz led the way out side and then out of the gates. "The gates absorb light so no one can light leap inside. My Dad likes his privacy." Fitz explained, he held a crystal wand up to the light and grabbed Biana's hand. She grabbed my hand and they pulling me into the light.

"You can't be serious." I told them. We stood in front of a large crystal pyramid. It had five stories to it with a U shaped building curling around it. There were six towers separating each wing with a seventh. The seventh was taller and standing in between the six dead center. To the left there was a large domed amphitheater with a small building on each side of it. To the right there were two towers curling around each other. "We are serious," Biana said letting go of my hand. "Come on," she said walking towards the pyramid. We followed her and she open the doors ushering us in. There were kids crowded all around in the bottom floor which unfortunately is where we were going to be. "This is where we do orientation. And where they take attendance." Fitz explained over the noise. "How do they take attendance?" I asked almost having to yell to be heard. "Registry pendants. They track us so they can find us easy if we are in trouble." He replied holding up his identical registry pendant. Bells chimed somewhere and everyone turned to a wall. Projected on the wall was a video of a man in a cape. "Good morning, prodigies. We have a new prodigy with us today! Where is she-Ah! There she is. I hope you will give a warm welcome to our newest prodigy Alex!" The man exclaimed, everyone paused and whispered my name as the spotlight shone down on me. Then they slowly clapped, I wished the cape had a hood. I went out of my way to avoid attention like this. "Good, that concluded today's announcements. Have a wonderful day prodigies!" He exclaimed, his projection disappeared from the wall and the spot light disappeared too. "This is like a repeat of what happened to Sophie." Biana said, "Huh? You mean the girl who Mr. Forkle was talking to too?" I asked, "Yeah. She lived with humans for a long time too. Then when she came here she got the exact same reaction you did. Well, except for the fact that we have a new principle. Mr-Magnate Leto." Biana replied cutting herself off. "I'll show you around. Wait. What level are you?" Biana asked, "I don't know. I didn't get a schedule." I replied dumly, "Of course you did. Here," she said reaching in my book bag and pulling out the cloak. "What-" Biana started asking as gasps erupted around us. They pointed and stared at the cloak now on the ground. I scooped it up and ran, dashing out of the pyramid and around the corner. I shoved the cloak back in the bag and let out a breath. Biana and Fitz came dashing out behind me and looked around confused. They walked around the corner and bumped into me. "What were you doing with a Neverseen cloak in your book bag!" Biana exclaimed, "I accidentally tossed it in there after the whole letter thing happened last night." I tried lying, "yeah. Well I don't have to be am empath to know your lying." Biana told me, "who's not an empath?" Keefe asked coming around the corner. "Biana," Fits replied looking at me suspiciously. "And what did you need an empath to determine?" He jokingly asked, "weather Alex was lying about the never seen cloak." Fitz replied, "don't need an empath for that. Though I didn't notice it before but I can feel your emotions through the air like I can Sophie's." Keefe told me, I didn't know what he meant but didn't really care. "Can we just get to class and forget all this happened?" I asked them, I was so done with the conversation and if they asked any more questions I wouldn't be able to hide my lies. They eyed me skeptically but then decided they needed to get to class. Biana led me to Alchemy and I already knew it would be my least favorite subject. Then I wandered around until I found the exit. I took the crystal wand from my book bag and held it to the light and twisted it in the pattern that Della had done when we were going to what Della had called the neutral territories and stepped into the light.
When I got to Wildwood there was no one else there. I looked around for a moment and then the neverseen came. "Glad you could join us. Now we want information about a certain whereabouts of a human family and you have connections with one who knows them dearly. Get us the information and we will get you your life. Your memories." The cloaked figure in the middle said. "Why do you want the human family?" I asked suddenly thinking clearly. What had I been thinking when I had come here. Clearly I had been thinking very selfish thoughts. "You don't need to know. Just get us info and we will get your memories." The cloaked guy replied, I paused. "I will-I will do it." I lied, the cloaked guy turned to one of his colleagues, who shook his head. "My friend here says your lying. Is that true?" The cloaked guy asked, "It might be it might not. You won't know until I deliver." I replied trying to muster some courage. The second guy shook his head again and the first guy shook his head sadly. "I gave you a chance and you failed. So I hate to do this but we have to have no record of this meeting. Which means no unwilling witnesses." He twisted his hands and they lit up in flames. I jumped back and stumbled into a tree. "One last chance to accept our offer." The fiery guy offered, "I don't know what I was thinking coming here but I know what I will be thinking leaving here." I told him, "one: you guys are just grown up bullies and two: I was stupid for ever thinking that the enemy's would ever help me. So I'm going to say... No." "Time to die then." The cloaked guy said stalking towards me. "I'm going to take a rain check on that one too." I said jumping out of the way as he swung his right hand near my face. Then out of the blue another cloaked guy appeared behind me and tripped me. The fiery guy put his boot on my chest do I couldn't get up and then gripped my arms with his flaming hands. I screamed and help arrived. "Hey, ugly! Over here!" Keefe yelled running in the opposite direction of me. My vision was blurry. The pain in my arms was too great. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the boy with the silver bangs launch a shadow spear and then the world went black.

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