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The scenery around us changed as the feather sensation left.

We were standing in the middle of the great hall. Before I could tell the others to be careful I felt a rough hand on my shoulder as a metallic point was pressed to my throat.

The hand on my shoulder thrust me to the ground making me kneel.

I heard the others struggling behind me. "Don't struggle. They'll only see you as a threat." I told them calmly.

"They shouldn't be treating their queen this way." Sarid grunted.

"Who says queen? Our queen was taken from us years ago by an old buffoon promising to bring her back. She hasn't come back." A harsh voice that I recognized growled.

"I guess she's returned then. With friends." I said lightly.

A gasp rang around the room. Great it was in the middle of a meal. Everyone was watching.

My face was to the ground with my hair blocking my features from view.

The person that had spoke squatted down in front of me. I lifted my head slightly just so he could see my face. The man's expression changed instantly. He changed his squat to kneeling.

"Forgive me your maj-" I cut him off.

"If you remember me, you remember me hating anyone calling me anything but Alex." I smiled lightly.

Giliad-the man-nodded and motioned for the guards to back off.

I stood and tucked my hair behind my ear. "If it isn't too much trouble to make up a few rooms for my friends. They will be staying for a while." I asked Giliad.

He nodded and relayed the request to a nearby servant. Giliad turned back to me.

"How many rooms?" He asked.

"Ten." I replied gently.

He nodded and turned back to the servant. I bit my lower lip and straightened my back.

"Your doing it." A voice whispered in my ear.

I jumped a little at Sarid's voice.

"Doing what?" I whispered back.

"Your not being you." He replied quietly.

I looked over my shoulder at him and cracked a grin.

"Your rooms should be ready by the end of supper. I suggest you eat some before it is all gone." Giliad told us.

"Thank you. But, who is making the rooms if everyone is eating?" I asked. I hoped I was wrong in my suspicions.

"The servants of cour-" Giliad cut himself off.

"Right. Never mind. They will be ready tonight a little while after supper." He said quickly.

I grinned. "Like he said, we should get some food." I told the others.

They grinned while glancing around them at all the eyes.

"Is it all right if I take them to drop their things off before eating?"  I asked Giliad.

"Of course your-Alex. You are the queen." He told me stumbling over your majesty.

I motioned for the others to follow me and I led them out of the great hall.

"We'll drop your things off in my room before going to supper." I explained to them.

They each nodded. We reached my room and I opened the door ushering the others in.

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