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Sarid's POV

"Give me one hundred dead drops!" I shouted over the field to the soldiers I was training.

They started and I watched them. I heard someone shouting my name.

I turned as saw one of the kids from the lost cities running towards me.

"Sarid *pant pant* Alex *pant pant*" He said.

I cut him off.

"What happened to her? Where is she?" I asked.

"Healing *pant* center *pant pant*" He said.

"Your free to go about your assignments for today!" I shouted to the soldiers.

Then I took off running towards the castle, the kid behind me. What had happened? Had her cut been infected? Why was she in the healing center????!!!!!

We reached the healing center and ran in. Evelyn was handing cloths to the girls from the lost cities and instructing them where to put them.

Alex had a gash on her cheek, her forehead had a rug burn, her lower lip was busted, her right eye was swollen, her hair was matted with blood and her dress was torn. Spots of the dress were soaked in blood implying there were more wounds underneath.

The girls were mopping up blood and cleaning the cuts on her face and neck while Evelyn rummaged through her bottles looking for who knows what.

"What happened?" I asked as I took a cloth from the pile and pulled pressure on her shoulder wound.

"They haven't even explained that to me yet. They just brought her here and said the cloaked guys attacked again." Evelyn answered.

"What happened?" I asked the blond girl from the lost cities.

"We were in the middle of training, just going on a run while Alex rode a horse. The horse got upset and found a rope leading up the castle wall. Alex was going to climb up and make sure everything was okay but we told her not to. Instead we all levitated up and looked around. We didn't find anything, so once we made sure the guard were at their posts we went back down. When we got back down there were three cloaked guys. Actually I think they were girls, one was unconscious while the other two attacked Alex. There was very little space to move, with the horse so Alex was kind of trapped against the wall. We found her right when she was about to throw a throwing star at one when the other used telekinesis to bring down part of the castle wall. It fell on top of her and by the time the dust had cleared they were gone. We got her out and brought her here. The horse wouldn't let any of us get close to him, so he is still out of the stables." She explained while mopping up blood on her forehead.

"Alright, I am sorry, but I must ask you all to leave or wait outside the door, while I take care of the other wounds." Evelyn said, waving a hand at us. I thought of protesting but that would only delay Alex's health so I left with the others.

We all waited outside the healing center in the office while Evelyn treated the other wounds. Eventually Evelyn called us back in.

"She cannot be moved. Half of her ribs were fractured, her shoulder has a deep gash and was dislocated, her left ankle was sprained, two toes on her right foot were broken, she was having difficulty breathing, the gash in her side got worse, she has a concussion, a deep gash in her cheek I had to stitch up and she went into a coma." Evelyn said.

"Sarid, if you could post guards around her that would be wonderful. We can never have her alone, for her safety and health. I won't always be here." Evelyn added.

I nodded.

"Alright. I'm going to go rebuild a wall, station guards and pretend everything is okay for the public. If she wakes up or her condition changes in the slightest send someone to tell me or get me. Okay?" I said.

"Will do." Evelyn said.

I nodded and left the room.

I left her alone for five seconds and this happens. Why? Just why? I tried not to think about what had happened to her. Why couldn't I have been there? Why did I have to be training soldiers when they already knew how to train? Why, why, why, why, why?!

I called guards to help me lift the rubble from the side of the wall.  Then I sent them to get more stone to rebuild that section of the wall. We rebuilt it quickly and then I stationed more guards outside of the castle as well as inside. I made the guards stand inside the healing center so any civilian would think everything was fine.

By that time it wad past lunch. The kids from the lost cities had been helping me, but I dismissed them and told them to go eat something while I went to find Bud.

I found him outside the west wall. He was stamping his hooves into the ground  and winning. He still was scared.

Carefully I approached. His hooves slowed and he let me grab his reins. I walked him back to his stable and fed and watered him before heading back to the castle.


For the next week I trained the kids from the lost cities along with the soldiers. I hung out with Bud and slept on a spare cot in the healing center.

I had just woken up from my nightmarish sleep and checked on Alex. Still sound asleep. Her wounds were almost healed and her vitals were stable. I got up and went to put my armor on.

Screams erupted somewhere down the corridor. I slipped the armor on and dashed out of the room. More screams erupted further down the corridor. They were coming from the great hall. It was the middle of breakfast.

I burst in the doors to find....



What did you think?

I didn't really want to keep her in the healing center long so she will get out of the healing center next chapter.

Hope you liked it!

Have a great day. ❤

Mango------> out😜

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