Chapter 2

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Sorry if the first chapter was short

Mustang:Like Ed.

Ed: Who Are You Calling So Short He's a Microscopic jellybean!!!!

Me: *Punches mustang in face*

Mustang: Hay! What was that for!!

Me: 1 because your a baka (idiot) 2 I don't like you

Ok story time

Dear diary

It's bin several years Since dad comet Suicide. Im 13 now, Ed is 15 and Al is 14. Ever since I gave Al the note saying where I work he has been coming every day to see the cat.We desisted to name him Whiskers because he has long whiskers.


I was at work putting some flowers in a flower vac when I hired the door open. "Hi Tiger." Al said as he walked inside. "Hi Tiger." Ed said as he came in after al. "Hi guys." I responded.

Ed sat down and al called for whiskers. Whiskers ran in from the back and broke a vac."I'll fix that." I said to Al as I kneeled down.

I gather up the Brocken pieces and put them back together with alchemy. "You know alchemy?" Al asked. "Ya." I answered.

"But you don't have a Transmutation circle." Ed said surprised. "I have a transmutation circle on my hand." I tolled him as I showed him my right hand. "What Kind of transmutation circle is that?" Ed asked. "It's call diamond alchemy.... My... D-a-d...created." I answered sadly while putting my head down.

"Tiger, what's wrong?" Ed asked. "It's nothing Ed." I said as I stud up and put the vac on a table Ignoring Ed and Al.

"O, well where's your boss?" Ed asked. "She out on a date with som blonde that smokes and she said he's in the military." I answered "Is his name Jen Havoc.?" Ed asked." Ya." I said. "She's prolly gonna dump him." Ed said smirking. "That's the Truth, a woman like her can't hold a relationship, so I think she'll dump him in about one to two mouths." I said Laughing Then started to frown. "My boss sad she is going to fire me because she can't afford to keep paying me." I told Ed and Al with a sad voice. "What are you gonna do for a job?" Al asked. "I'll join the military as a state alchemist." I answered. "Are you sure?" Ed asked. "Yes." I said.

Dear Diary

I just got home from work, 2 more weeks at the flower shop then I gotta go But Ed said he'll tell some guy about me. The way Ed was talking about him made him seem like a Jerk.

I asked Ed what he looks like and he said he has Blake hair and Blake eyes and kinda tail.

I think I've saw him ounce but I don't know.

Well I gotta go. I'll write tomorrow if not I'm sorry.


The next morning

I woke up and my hair was all messy so I brushed it. It looked cooled outside so I put on a long sleeve shirt, long jeans, boots, a Beanie that had two dark purple rectangles on the front of it and a Scarf. My entire outfit was black and looked goth but I didn't mind.

I herd someone knocking at the front door so I went to go see who it was. I opened the door and saw a tail man with Black hair and eyes and he was wearing a military uniform. "Are you Tora?" The man asked in a soft deep voice. "Uh yessir."I said shyly. "No need to say yessir. You aren't in the military... Yet." He said sharply. "Sorry for not introducing myself I'm Col. Roy Mustang." He said as he put out his hand to me. I just stood their looking at him. "So Edward told you about me." I said quietly I walked into the kitchen. "Would you like some Coffey?" I asked.

"Yes please." He answered.

I handed him the Coffey and we toke a seat in the living room. "So why do you want to join the military?" He asked.

"well um I need a job so I can pay for food for Whiskers and me and so I can improve my alchemy." I answered.

Whiskers came into the living room when he hired his name. He jumped up on my lap and brushed his head on my hand.

"You know I've hired you before Ed said you wanted to join the military." He said. "By who?" I asked. "Alphonse. He doesn't stop talking about you, it gets annoying but still cute." He said laughing. My checks turned bright red and I looked down so he couldn't see me blushing.

He pulled out his pocket watch and opened it. "Well I got to go. Give me a call if you change Your mind." He said standing and waking to the front door. I waved goodby and he waved back.

Sorry if that was short

Me: *holds fist to Mustang*

Mustang: I'm not gonna say anything.

Me: I'm watching you.

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