Chapter 8

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I was walking down the road alone. I hadn't seen Ed or Al for a couple days, I started to get worried so I was heading down to the central command center to see if Mustang knew where they were. I was wearing my military uniform, the chain from my state alchemist watch hanging out.

"Where could they be?" I thought "why didn't they tell me they were going somewhere?"

I walked a bit faster. it was late at night, around 9:00 or 10:00. I started to hear footsteps behind me, my heart beat grew faster as I heard them.

I turned around to see who was there, the fur on my tail poofed up. No one. I looked around, everything was green or back or gray. like having night goggles as eyes. My ears twitched, the only sound to be heard was the wind. I sniffed the air but got nothing.

I shrugged and started to walk again. My tiger ears pointed back. I walked a bit slowly, curious if they were still here. It was a bad idea but I was to curious to care.

I quickly stopped as I heard a quiet laugh, my ears now up. I looked all around.

"Hahaha... Why hello little girl," a mans voice could be heard. it sounded crazy, insane.

I looked up and saw what appeared to be a suit of armor up on a building. No, it wasn't Al it couldn't be. the voice was to deep... And insane.

Without a chance to speak, the armored man jumped down with a butchers knife. I quickly jumped out of the way and growled.

"Heheh, your a quick one aren't ya?" He said.

"Who are you?" I asked growling.

"I," he said "I am Barry the chopper!"

To be continued...

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