Chapter 11 Tiger Cub Among the Big Briggs Bears!

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//writer: in this story...
It's called Coffey
And it is delicious
Scar: it is better when there is no sugar or milk added to it. I drink it black.
Writer: why, too sweet for you?
Scar: No. Nothing is to sweet for me, not even you.
Writer: Are you flirting with me?
Scar: only if you believe so.
Writer: * internal screaming "Senpai noticed me!"*//

"My hair!" Alphonse yelled as he took his helmet back. The once long hair that came out of the top of the helmet was now short.

"this sucks" Al said with a sad voice.
"Aww, no more hair to play with..." I as as I poked at the hair.

We sat down and spoke to General Armstrong. She was scary... I wonder if she has a soft stop or is just all rock. I was tuned out for most of the conversation, playing with my pocket watch and sniffing the air. I had to hide myself from them so they wouldn't know what I was. before we came here I took a few hair clips and put my ears flat against my head and covered them with pined hair. I also tucked my tail in my pants. it was hard to sit at first but then with a few movements I had my tail in the right spot.

"And you, girl" General Armstrong said.

"Y-yes ma'ma?"
Oh gosh even just three simple words from her made me stutter.

"What are you doing traveling with these boys?"
"I am a State Alchemist like Edward, they send me with him incase something were to happen to one of us"
"I see... Send them to work!" She commanded.

"Huh? Why!?" Ed question with a bit of a ticked tone.

"A man who don't work, doesn't deserve to eat." She answered.

"You have a point...." Said the three of us. "Yes, I do." Armstrong stood up from her set, a hand in her sword. "Now, Tora."
"Y-yes ma'am?"
"You will stay here with the doctor while the boys go and cut down icicles."
"Yes.. Ma'ma..."

Well, if this isn't uncomfortable, being separated from the two I trust the most and being placed with complete strangers. Apparently my uncomfortableness was showing as the doctor spoke.
"There's nothing to be uncomfortable about, we don't bite-"
"Hard" Buccaneer added with a chuckle.

//Writer: I honestly don't see why y'all still like this story ^-^' but thanks! Real confidence booster! I will try to do more but it's so hard not to skip!

Love y'all lost!//

//P.S. If you can tell me who the pic is of I love you even more >.>//

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