Chapter 4

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Me: idk 



Ed: well get on with the STORY!! 

Me:okey don't yell

We got in a car and drove off. I didn't know what to say or do. Hell, I didn't even know where we're going. I looked out the window and twiddled my thumbs.

"I hared about your past." Bradley said. "Oh, you did?" I asked in a soft voice. "Yes,did you know your father was a state alchemist." He asked. "No, he never tolled me that.'' I said surprised. "He served as a state alchemist in the ishbalan war." He spoke. That expanse allot. Like why he was goon for so long. I stopped twitting my thumbs and looked at him.

"Can you tell me about... About the war and the ishbalans?" I asked. "They are a race of people who lived to the east of us. They have brown skin and red eyes . A few years ago, a officer accidentally shot a child and a civil war erupted." He Spock. How can a officer 'Accidentally' shoot a child? "Sir, we're hear." The solder driving the car said.

We walked out of the car and in to the building. I could tell its a lab because of all the scientists. We went into a room with a transmutation circle on the floor and some creepy things.

"Go stand on the circle Ms. Tora." A scientists order me. As I walked over to the circle my body was trembling with fear. I didn't know what was going to happen. I studded in the center of the circle. They putted a collar around my neck that was contacted to a large chain. "W-w-what a-are you gonna do to me?" I stuttered.

Before they could answer a large roaring sound came from a room. I turned my head to look and I saw "A TIGER!?" I yelled out loud. It came closer to me. I tried to run but the collar healed me down. "D### IT!!! LET ME GO!!!" I yelled.Ounce it's paw landed on the circle, the lightning appeared.

Then I felt a shooting pain in my hands,spine, head, eyes, mouth, and feet. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed of agony. I felt dizzy and weak, then my vision went dim.


I opened my eyes, my head was spinning. "Look who awake." Some... Doctor I guess? "W-where am I?" I asked. "Your in a hospital. You fainted at the lab, so ounce they were done they brought you here." He answered. "Oh." I responded. "AHH!!! SOMETHING JUST CRAWLED UP MY LAGE!!!" I shouted as I pulled of the blanket. "What the h*****??" I said in confusion. "A teal? How?" I asked

"They combined you with the tiger. Well you are now the first chimera that can do alchemy." The doctor congregated. "Chimera?" I asked.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~flash back~~~~~~~~~~ 


"Daddy, what's a chimera?" I asked. "A chimera is a human that was combined with a animal." He answered. "But What Kinda Person Would Do That To Someone!!??" I asked. "Some people are crazy like that." He answered. 


"There's no way." I said in shock. I through the blankets off and went up to a mirror and looked at myself. I looked and I had tiger ears. I opened my mouth and saw that my teeth were as sharp as the end of a sword.

"Where's my uniform?" I asked. "Wait, you can't leave. Your body hasn't developed to the new changes!!" The doctor yelled while pulling on my shoulder. "LEAT ME.. GO!!!" I yelled back. I slashed my claw that are at the end of my fingertips at him, ripping his cote.

"I.. I'm sorry but I must go." I whispered. I ran towed the door slamming it behind me. Running down the hall, I made a right turn in to the bathroom.

I sighed wile locking the door. I hurried and changed in to my uniform. My tail was hanging out and people could see the ears on my head. But I have bigger problems to worry about. How am I suppose to explain this to Ed and Al?

I saw a little window that was open in the bathroom. I jumped up and held on to the window. I crawled out and landed in an alley. It's raining but I don't care. I ran for miles no suer where to fine them.

Ed's P.O.V

Al and I sat down at a large clock. 

"I've Bin thinking about this for a long time," I said."we put all our trust in alchemy ,but in the end what is it? Alchemy is the science of understanding the flow of mater and its laws. The proses of comprehension deconstruction and reconstruction. The world flows to it must also fallow laws, every circulates even death is part of that circulation, you must accept the flow. Teacher sure droned that in to our heads didn't she? I thought I under stud it, I didn't under stand anything, Mom proved that. Now here I am agin trying to figure out the impossible. Maybe the rain would wash away some of this gloom, but each drop that hits my face is even more dispersing." I mumbled.

"I don't even get that much. With out a body I can't feel the rain." Alphonse said sadly.

"Ed! Al!" I heard a girl yell out. I looked and I saw Tora. "I've bin looking for you two." She said as she walked up to us. I saw tiger ears on he head. "Tora what happened?" I asked. "They... I'm a chimera." She mumbled. "WHAT!" Al yelled. "No, NO, NOT YOU TO!!" I yelled. She sat between al and I. "No, Nina now you." I cried out. She put her head down, I feel sad and angry. I didn't know what to say or do. I just sat there, like an idiot.

Tora's P.O.V

I put my head down, tears running down my checks. "You boy, your the fullmetal alchemist correct?" A man asked. I tried to look up to see who it was but Al polled Ed and I out of the way.

We ran and went into an ally. Suddenly an explosion appeared and we were trapped. "Who are you!?" Ed shouted. "As long as there are creators like you in the world, there must also be destroyers." The man said. "It seams we gotta fight." I said. We stood up, Ed Transmuted a blade. Ed ran and tried to cut him and Al tried to punch him.

The man touched the right side of al and Al's body exploded. "AL!!" Ed and I yelled. "YOU SUN OF A!!" I schemed at the man what trying to attack. The man suddenly picked up a sharp object and stabbed me in the stomach. "TORA!!!" Ed and Al yelled.

I stood there, my life flashed before my eyes. I dropped to my knees coughing up blood. "TORA!" Al yelled. My vision went blank and I couldn't feel any thing.

Me: sorry if there's any mistakes ^_^;  

For those who don't know who "The man" is its scar

Ed: why do you think they would care.

Me: why do hate scar so much?

Ed: He killed Winery's parents and almost kill me and al!!

Me:um... Ok 

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