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I looked up from my spot on the bench and smiled, my hands still clasped between my knees as I turned my attention to two people in scrubs walking by.

Whether it was thanks to the near empty roads due to the time of night or the fact that Naomi didn't seem to know what a brake was, we had made it to the hospital in just over twenty minutes.

Dean rushed the girls inside with their gear while I lingered outside, deciding that four people was already plenty enough for the hospital to deal with.

We already had a tendency to raise suspicions and draw attention to ourselves at the worst of times, now wasn't the best time to test our luck by enforcing too much stress on thinly stretched hospital staff.

Sam took a seat beside me, his long legs sticking out comically thanks to the shortness of the bench both in height and seat width.

"Hi," I smiled softly. "I take it they both got in okay."

"You know how it is, flash some credentials and you can get away with nearly anything if you're slick enough."

"If there's one thing you and Dean are, it's slick."

Sam laughed and gave a little shrug.

"You get used to it after so many years."

I let out a small hum, nodding slowly as my eyes trailed over the people coming and going from the parking lot.

The typical background noises filled the area around us and I found myself being lulled into a barely there state, the chill in the air and the late hours catching up to me.

I hadn't realised just how tired I was until that moment.

Sam's leg bumped against mine, drawing my attention to him, my eyes feeling heavy.

"You okay?" He asked, looking concerned.

"Mhmm," I said slowly, "just suddenly feel really tired."

"I'm sure all the action of getting here is catching up to you."

I laughed, shaking my head as I leaned my back against the wood panels behind us.

"It was quite exhilarating, I think we must have ran about five red lights."

"Just the five?"

"Yeup, or at least I stopped counting after the fifth."

We both laughed, though mine was cut off abruptly by a wide yawn.

Instinctively, I covered my mouth until it was over and had a few jaw stretches before deciding that Sam's shoulder would make a wonderful pillow.

Sliding down without an invitation, I nuzzled into place and let my eye fall closed, presuming that I was welcome as he hadn't made a sound of protest.

"We'll get you back to the motel," he said, his voice rumbling a little more from my vantage point.

"Are we waiting for Dean?"

He took in a deep breath then shifted, making me look up to see that he'd turned his own attention towards the hospital.

"No, we're going back ahead of him, he's staying here to keep an eye on them and make sure their head witch doesn't come to spring a surprise attack."

"Will he be okay alone?" I frowned slightly then instantly felt stupid for asking.

He was Dean freaking Winchester, he'd fend off some witches and a couple of ghouls on top of that.

Or so he'd like to think.

"Forget it," I shook my head, pulling away from Sam, "I apparently can't think logically at the moment."

Sam smiled at me, letting out a little chuckle, "All the more reason to get you to bed."

"Mm...yeah, that might be an idea."

He stood up from the bench, turning toward me to offer a hand.

I gratefully took it and let him pull me up, letting out a tired groan as he did so.

"Someone is feeling like a drama queen tonight."

I laughed, looking up at him with a purposefully goofy smile.

"Let me have my moment, Winchester."

"Just this once," he laughed, "but only because I'm too tired to argue."

"Yeah, witches will do that to you."

"Among too many other things."

I scoffed a chuckle and nodded in agreement, also giving a light shrug.

"Such is the life of a hunter."

Sliding my gradually chilling hands into my jacket pockets, I looked up at him and found myself just staring, falling into utter awe of the man in front of me.

"You know," I eventually said, "even though you don't like it and even though my opinion doesn't matter on it in the long run, the short hair suits you."

He paused for a moment then smiled.

"Thank you, I can say the same about you."

Despite my reservations about myself, I found myself unable to stop the smile that got wider, making my cheeks ache.

"And thank you, Sam, that genuinely means a lot."

Part of me felt a little embarrassed, as though I had slipped into an episode of horror Grey's Anatomy or paranormal The Good Doctor as we shared what others would most likely deem a 'moment' outside of the hospital.

The other part of me simply didn't care, this was a moment I had always wanted with Sam.

It felt different, bonding and completely right.

Too bad there were witches inside and a potentially dying girl in the back of our minds to ruin the mood, but that's the life of a hunter and you have to take the good where you could get it.

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