Vati and Old Friends-September 1,2018

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Sighing in content greatful that class was finally over for today and it was Friday, I go to my room to change due to having to be somewhere in less than an hour, Knowing how they could get when I was late for the anniverisery

Pulling off my sweaty and worn out clothes, I spray on some perfume and clean myself up a little bit, I grab a simple oversized grey sweater with black tights,hearing a knock on the door I see S and Alex walk in without permisson

Looking at the two I smirk noticing them holding hands "so when did this finally happen it seems so sudden but what do I know" shrugging I point to their intertwined hands

S was wrapped around Alex's whole body " Yeah it was sudden after he broke up with Taylor ,we talked things over and decided to give us a try but we don't know where things would go from here, seeing that we can't do anything physically hell us holding hands is a figment of our imagination"

Humming I pull out Vati's old leather biker jacket that was hanging in the closet" Well i'm happy for you both but why are you two here?"

"It's time for play rehearsal " his eyes had stars in them mentioning about going to the theater ,he really does have a passion for it

I go through my drawer grabbing things, putting them in the hidden pocket on my jacket " Well that sounds fun but Alex didn't you get my text this morning? I can't go there is somewhere that I have to be any other time i'd gladly go, but not today" walking out of my room locking the door I see Alex right next to me

Shrugging he looks at me "Okay, let's go then I guess I'll text everyone and tell them practice is canceled , so where are we going anyways?"

Ignoring his question, we walk to exit make our way to the light way train rail but before I could get on, he grabs my wrist looking at me with an odd look " Wait we are riding on that thing?" his face looked pale ,tilting my head I ask him what is wrong to my surprise he has never roaden on public transportation

"Are you serious, come on it's nothing to worry about it's just a train we won't be on it longer than thirty minutes you'll survive" i pull him by his arm before the doors close,groaning I stand near the door holding onto one of the poles,looking at Alex I notice he is shuffling around uncomfortablely refusing to touch anything,sighing I put his arm on my shoulders to hold onto " Stay there until it stops if not you will end up on the floor" nodding he holds onto me

Once the train stopped and we got out , I see Luci's black cadilac waiting for me,should have told Alex about where I was going before he tagged along, well to late now I guess, hopefully he doesn't get weirded out about it.

Going to the car I open the door to see Luci and Tino fighting like usual,not even bothering to break them up, I get in the back seat with Alex next to me,they both stop mid yelling to look at me " It's about time you got here, me and this old man have been wait for almost an hour!"

"Not old I'm just a expensive wine thank you very much you halfbreed brat" Tino growled

" Half Breed brat, are you serious from what I've heard you were the whore of Germany in you youth ,well I'm sure that Lutzs had all the modest and the brains between the two of you,I mean come on he was always the favorite ,dear lord those abs you could cut -"

Not wanting to hear anymore I cut her off as we pull into the cemetery " Okay Luci that's enough I would like to not hear about your wet thoughts of my father,so can we get out please "

"God yes we can,hurry up and park this car brat" Tino groans as Luci stops the car at the bottom of a hill that was about a mile from the actual cemetery

All get out except for Layla as she was deep in thought,Alex looked at her shaking her lightly "Hey what's wrong, Rosethorn?" He grabs her hand pulling her up from her seat and started walking up the dirt and stone man made path

Because Of One DecisionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora