Mr.Greene-July 12, 2018

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Looking at myself in the mirror one more time before I leave the house to go see Mr.Greene seeing that he is back in town, but before I am about to leave I feel a wave of nausea hit me like a bullet to my stomach

Running to the bathroom I drop to my knees in front of the porcelain throne feeling all of my contents leave my system, standing up with shaky legs I brush my teeth and start to walk out the door again, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket

Pulling it out I see a text message from Sara, I respond and start walking to my destination, for the past few months I and Sara have been talking she is a pretty cool kid also her parents still don't know the truth about what happened that night

Looking at the area I decided to take the bus, I didn't want to walk that distances seeing as where I am going is on the nicer side, arriving at the bus stop I wait for it to come seeing the big vehicle pull up to a stop waiting for all the Passengers to be either getting on or off.

Taking my seat I look out the window watching the sensory around me change from the run-down neighborhood that I grew up with to better-taken care of the area with big green trees and a nice road, feeling the bus come to a stop, I get off as fast as I possibly can making my way to Mr.Greene's.

I put my hands in my jacket walking through the nice building that was so well kept, some days it's hard for me to believe that I used to live in one of these houses I look up at the beautiful house that had light brown bricks lining it's walled as the freshly polished gutters shined off the little bit of sunlight that was coming through the gloomy gray rain clouds, that was my house until Emeline couldn't pay for it

Then we moved to the mansion of the guido that I had to put the down payment on, sighing I looked to the house on the left of my childhood home that held so many happy memories of me and Vati.

I knock on the door that I knew was Mr.Greene who happened to live next door to me as a child, waiting I hear some movement and things knocking around, chuckling knowing what was happening I see Mr.Greene come to the door

He was panting with a slight blush on his cheeks, looking at him a light me closely I can see that his shirt isn't buttoned properly and his hair is a little messed up, making contact with me he lets out a sigh or what seemed to be relieved.

" Layla you scared me I thought you were someone else, but why are you here?" He asked, his voice more feminine than most men and also held a slight lisp tilting his head in confusion

Well, I guess he forgot that I called him to discuss something. I guess I better remind him some days. I question how he keeps the school in check, wait never mind. I already know the answer to that.

Sighing I chuckle and shake my head " Don't you remember I told you that I need to talk with you about something?" I look at him and jester to go into the house to talk about this, he nods and walks us into the house into the living room to sit and talk about things

" So what is it that you wanted to talk about kiddo ? " he asks me fixing his clothes and hair

Sitting up straight which is not something someone that lived in my area would do, I was fighting myself not to slouch and kick my legs up on the freshly polished coffee table " Okay well I came here to explain things to you about my previous life situation "

He raises his brow giving me a questionable look " what happened between you and your mom this time?"

Giving a nervous chuckle I tap my fingers on my thigh " Um..actually it is more because someone got pregnant..."

Greene sat there for a minute looking confused but then his eyes widened " Wait, Emeline has knocked up again ?!"

Sighing I pinch the bridge of my nose " No, Carth it's not Emeline ...It's me okay I'm pregnant and I need your help" I looked into his eyes, my voice was laced with desperation, I have never seen his eyes hold so much pity.

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