Telling My Parents - May 6, 2018

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I sat in the kitchen while drinking a cup of tea, I don't know why but I was scared about how she would react even though she has been a horrible parent. It worried me, because of what power she had or of what she could do.

"If only I had the power to do something!" I think to myself trying to calm down my nerves in the process of hitting the marble table. Just as I do that my "parents" walk into the room

"So what do you need us for?" Emeline looks at me as if I am the cause for her unhappiness with a cigarette between her lips.

I look between the two of them, trying to analyze what I'm going to say, the man she married isn't so bad sadly he can't even tell that he is a puppet to her.

The only reason she married him was for money. He wasn't an active man, he was short for a man and was more rounded out also he has a real hair problem.

"Hey if you aren't going to say something I'm leaving" They start to walk out as I let out a sigh for the first time. I thought she cared about me but I knew that was wishful thinking.

"I'm Pregnant okay that is what is as you put it So Important !" I burst out saying feeling all the anxiety and panic leave my body as it is filled with a new feeling I don't know what it is.

As the three of us stood there in silence for what felt like an eternity but was only a few minutes, Emeline is the one to break it with her loud witch-like crackles.

Letting her calm down her laughter she starts to speak in a still laughing voice " I always knew you were going to be a fuck up pregnant teen without a future! "

Greeting my teeth together to hold my tongue to not start something with her, I let her spur her insults until she said the one thing I knew was going to come out of her mouth.

"So when are we going to the clinic to get that thing removed because I bet you are just a whore that sleeps with multiple men and doesn't even know who the baby daddy is?"

At that remark, I was about to say something, but he beat me to it

"Um, Emeline shouldn't we be doing something about this" she stops her insult, giving me a glare and a shrug.

"Yeah I guess you're right I mean, she is a slut, after all, I'll call the clinic for an appointment"

Hearing that made me snap, I will not get rid of this child and I will not let her control me anymore.

"No, you will not!" I tell with venom lazing my voice "I'm tired of you controlling me and taking everything I love from me, why do you have to make my life hell? actually don't answer that it's not like I'll get the truth anyways."

Grabbing my jacket I walk out into the cool late April Seattle air, all I hear walking out the door was "mother" spouting insults about me, as I walk down the street

I have been walking for about ten minutes, I feel something wet hit my forehead looking up. I see it is about to storm, starting to run in the direction of a store that wasn't too far.

Walking into the movie store I hear the ding of the small brass bell hanging from a string, looking to my left I see the posters of the new movies that were coming out.

In front of one of them, I see a group of girls that went to my school

Giggling and talking about some teen actor or something, not caring seeing as I don't even like movies

Walking into the movie store I hear the ding of the small brass bell hanging from a string, looking to my left I see the posters of the new now that are. coming out.

In front of one of them, I see a group of girls that went to my school

Giggling and talking about some teen actor or something, not caring seeing as I don't even like movies.

Sighing I text Tino not wanting to walk in the rain, getting bored. I listen to the group of girls giggling and gossiping, Eavesdropping is a bad habit of mine, what they were saying was not interesting to me, I try to pinpoint any of the girls.

Hearing one voice that stuck out to me right away I knew it was Ella. She sounded sad and I could guess why.

Walking outside into the pouring, I see Tino's truck running to it. I get a feeling the warmth from the heater hits my face.

"Panther cub is everything okay, why are you out here?" He says worry layers his voice giving me a look of concern as he starts to drive off.

Letting my head fall back on the headrest I sigh tears threatening to fall "She is a monster I can't even believe that we are a relay, you should have heard some of the thinking she was saying to me, how did she even turn into the monster she is it how do Vati fall for her!"

Taking a few shaky breaths I try to calm down seeing as being mad would not be good for either my child or me

"Layla, want me to tell you the story of how He and your Vati met and came to America?" He asks growing up I always wondered how two men came to the states and how they even were friends.

Chuckling I look at him "Why not I was always curious how you two became friends, moved to the states and how Vati was feared"

Tino gives me a small chuckle with a slight shake of his head "Okay I will tell you all those stories, but let's try to start with one okay"

Giving a nod of understanding wanting to get my head out of other thoughts, I sat listening to him talk about Berlin and about Vati having an aristocratic family. It turned out Tino was an orphan that was adopted into Vati's family so they were friends most of their life's.

I guess when my Vati and Tino were about twelve, The family moved to the states but after some years went back to Berlin, Vati didn't want to though so they stayed and haven't gone back since.

Tino gives me one of his childish grins but he turned series

"Layla, What are you going to tell her we both know she is going to start questioning things we both know how she can get?"

Feeling myself go pale because I knew exactly what he was referring to "I haven't gotten that far okay, also it isn't anything that she should worry about it, I have to I'll ghost her for a while"

Tino stops the truck behind my house for me, we both knew even though Emeline doesn't care she would say something about it

"Layla you know you're going to have to tell her eventually, but for right now I understand you not wanting to" nodding at him

I jump out of the truck running to the back door so I wouldn't have to hear any more arguing with Emeline

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