Tears in the Closet - August 10, 2018

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The last bell rang I grab all my stuff as I walk out of the class I see Sara at her locker standing next to some guy walking over to her, she stops talking to the guy in front of her looking at me.

"Okay, Layla this is my best friend Alex! You may have heard of him, he's kinda famous. Alex, Alex Oiseau and this is Layla, my new friend." Sara said.

"Oh. Hi," Alex said, quickly shaking my hand, "I don't really have much time to chat. I'm fighting someone at 3:20, have a date from 3:30 to 4 and I have to finish making my newest video, make sure the girl I'm going on a date with knows we aren't actually dating and I have planned a Skype call with people. So, I'm busy. Nice to meet you and all." Alex gave Sara a quick peck on the cheek and saw another girl going downstairs, "Hey don't run from me, Emma! You bitch! We're still on for that fight, right?"

Alex went downstairs talking to the girl.

"Don't worry, you probably made a good impression, he does that a lot.." Sara said to me

"Anyways, I should go. I have to leave on the bus" Sara says remembering that the bus will leave with or without her.

"Okay bye Sara," I tell her with a small wave of my wrist, "I feel sorry for her some days especially If she has to deal with that brat Alex on a daily," I think to myself

Putting a hand on my more pronounced stomach I look down "Well I guess it's just me and you now eh?" chuckling I rub my stomach letting out a sigh.

I was so happy that it was the end of the day the few weeks I got the school to myself what amazing it was so nice and quiet, but when school started again that all changed my routine that got changed to because I didn't have the kids to worry about in the morning which meant it went wake up, go to the locker room and ready, making my way back to my room locking the door then going to the lunchroom for food waiting for my class to that then going to the and waiting for the day to end.

Starting my journey to the janitors closet I look around at the school, I make it to the closet, opening the door I find Alex sitting there crying, a gasp escapes my lips "um Alex right?" asked him even though I didn't know If I had the right speaking we only "met" today If you could ever call it a meeting.

Seeing a man appeared out of the air sit down next to Alex "Ah, fuck, I can't believe you've done this". Not noticing my presents I feel my eyes widen to the size of the Golden Jubilee diamond.

"yeah.." I hear Alex says in a whisper like voice, but I don't know if he is talking to me or the guy next to me

"What is it?" Alex says to me with a frown on his face obviously annoyed with me finding him.

"What.... what is that behind you?!" I let out with a slight stutter, damn it, why do I have to always stutter at the worst times!

" Wait you can see him too," Alex says with a hint of surprise and curiosity in his voice, 'What the Hell?!" the other person or thing in the room says to my comment seeming just as surprised by his reaction

Raising one of my eyebrows, I simply ask "Yeah why wouldn't I be able to see him ?". Even more curious about the way they were acting towards me.

With blushes across Alex's cheeks, he asks me "Have you heard of a guardian spirit, anything like that?" To which I hear, Whatever he is, say as if embarrassed whispers "Holy shit, Shut up you theater geek!"

Smirking knowing full well what he was talking about I gave a smart ass answer to see if he ever listened to it seeing as he is a "theater geek" "I don't know are you waiting for your porno to load?" I quote a musical "Also yes I do know about spirits and things"

Because Of One DecisionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora