Please No- September 15, 2018

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Walking down the hall I get a weird feeling as if something is wrong , looking up at S I notice the spirit stiffen someone bumps into my shoulder before I could get a look at the person, they walk off quickly as if in a hurry shrugging it off I keep walking before I can turn the corner I hear a long gasp

" Alexander" S' voice is low and serious , hearing the urgency in his tone I sprint down the hallway slamming Layla's door open.

Dear God No...


Walking into the room I see her laying on the floor S is holding her in his lap , trying to check on her blood coated her speckled face her right eye swollen shut hiding those beautiful starless night eyes.

I shutter walking over to her curled up body laying on the ground hoping that she was okay, pulling out my phone I call an ambulance

" I need some help please I'm at ( school name) my friend is badly hurt I think!"

Staying on the phone with the operator, I look at Layla as I place her head on my lap letting the fresh blood stain my clothes , S had sheer worry in his eyes never looking anywhere else but her ,I was the same way though we sat there for what felt like hours just watching her wheezing in her sleep.

Nee-Naw Nee-Naw Nee-Naw

Soon enough a sound that I never thought I would be so relieved to hear pierces my ears, EMTs walk into the room and one of them pulls me back.

They strap her on a stretcher wheeling her down the hall, not wanting to leave her side I follow them as they put her in the ambulance,

" What's her name? Do you know what caused this? " The EMT ask me as she was checking Layla's well everything

" Um oh yes ,Layla Wachter and I don't know what happened I found her like this!" I fidget looking at S who has been floating over Layla this whole time , I wish that I could do something.

Getting into the ambulance I feel the speed bumps under me as we drive into the ER,the back of the ambulance doors open they take Layla into the building as a nurse holds me back as six nurses rushing Layla deeper into the building , I stand there too stunned not knowing what to do, I feel a stack of papers slide into my hands as the doors close in my face.



Jolting I feel a phone start to vibrate, pulling it out I notice that it wasn't mine ,what the hell is this brick, damnit Layla you just can't get with the times can you.

I take note at the green phone button, I look at the caller ID and my blood runs cold.



This can't be happening how am I supposed to explain to this crazy woman what happened to layla especially after that screaming match we got into, I can feel the knots forming in my stomach as I answer the phone " Hello ,Luci.." I try to sound calm but there is no doubt that she probably could tell something was wrong

' oh ciao, Why do you have Layla's phone ,Alexander?" she sounds a bit annoyed with me ,no doubt because of what happened last time she saw me

'I..I.." the words can't get out I don't know what to say to her , how am I suppose to explain to her that Layla is in the hospital and not knowing what state she is in,feeling my cheeks slowly get wet and hot I can't hold it in any more "Luci something bad has happened, It's Layla she's in the hospital I don't know what happened, please come she's at the one a few miles from the school, they handed me a stack of papers ,I don't know what to do and I bet she is scared and I think it would be good if she had a familiar face next to her when she wakes up"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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