Baby Daddy - May 4, 2018

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I'm greeted by my siblings cuddled up against me in the morning. I blink the grogginess from my eyes, looking at my clock. It's 5:11 in the morning. I stretch, gently moving my sister off of my chest, and pulling my arm out from under my brother. They do this every day. I'm glad that I remembered to put away my journal before I passed out.

"Maria, Rickton! Time to get up and get ready!" They don't respond, so I shake them lightly. When that doesn't work, I start to smother them with kisses.

Maria is the first one to wake up. She's never been a problem for me...her brother, on the other hand... I pick Rickton up, walking into the kitchen. I make sure that Maria is following me as I head into the kitchen. I put Rickton into his highchair, and then do the same with Maria.

I start making breakfast, already thinking about how I'm going to tell my parents about the baby. I give the kids their breakfast, making myself something, too. Normally, I just make the kids something, but I figured that with my situation, I should at least try and eat something. I make myself an egg on a piece of toast and eat as I do my chores, hoping that would make it easier.

After finishing my choirs I give the kids a bath and got them dressed, After cleaning up the children I get ready for school get dressed in my "uniform" red t-shirt, black straight leg jeans and my summer jacket do to the weather

Even though I have always had a more curved figure, I was okay with my body after I stopped eating so much and got what guys call "sexy", make the kids their lunch and putting it in the refrigerator,I go and knock on the door of my sorry excuse for parents bedroom door not getting a response, I yelled through the door.

"Hey, I got the kids ready for the day and their lunch is in the refrigerator, so heading out for school don't wait up" Telling them even though I know they don't care, I texted the one person that is family to me, His name is Tino. He was my Vati's best friend, So when he died Tino stepped in to help me out with life, I am worried about how he is going to react to me telling him about my situation. Knowing him, he's going to try and kill Alaric thinking this made me go pale.

Hearing the horn of Tino's truck, I give the kids one last kiss before heading outside to the old beaten up blue chevy truck,getting into the front seat buckling up now to be safe,Because of that move Tino raised his eyebrows at me action because I never buckled up, Then shrugging it off and starts to drive off .

He grabs his pack of cigarettes, He pulls one out "Want one?" He offers like it's a normal morning because I would always have a morning cigarette to loosen up from my morning stress when I decline for obvious reasons, He looks shocked because I never declined a free smoke.

"Okay Panther cub what is up with you today? first, you buckle up for the first time in years then you decline a cigarette !" He says with a worried look on his face trying to drive with the time being only 6:57, He stopped the truck and looked at me."Okay now that the truck is parked are you going to tell me?"

Letting out a sigh I get prepared for his response "Tino I..I'm Pregnant" I tell him, worried and fear coating my words, As I start to cry he doesn't look at me not saying a word pulling me into a hug "Oh my poor cub, It's okay everything will be alright" I'm told as he rubbed my back,then pulls away and starts to drive again,On the way there we rode in silence until Tino asked a question " So what opinion are you going to pick? We both know what that crazy bitch is going to say and want." we let out a chuckle because I never addressed her as mom or mother when with Tino.

Giving him a smirk I give what people would call a "Cocky answer",He tilts his head waiting for what I'm going to say " That's simple neither of them, We both know why she keeps me around anyway, I'm not going to play her game anymore" We pull up to the school,I start to get out even though Tino was begging me to ditch and hang with him, After many no's he gives in and says bye driving off to do his own thing.

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