chapter 2 taking aizawa's pack

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"" thinking
() Calling/dog talking

So in chp 1 we saw aizawa and his group in an alleyway sleeping n Mic's family walking back home. On their way home they happen to see the four.

Mic: *walking pass the alleyway and catches a glimpse of Sabrina's fur* hey babe I think there is a dog laying down over there. I'm going to check it out okay?

Mid:*worried* yea sure thing babe, just be careful. I'm going to take the kids to the store right here and you can come when you're done.

Mic: alright. See you in a few. *Walks closer to Sabrina*

Sabrina is still sleeping but aizawa on the other hand is awake. When he sees mic he gets up and growls.

Aizawa POV
I see this human walking up to Sabrina and I guess he didn't see me nor the pups laying here, so I got up and growled at him. He backed away for a minute then pulled out his phone and called someone.

I didn't see this black German Shepherd laying there, I got scared and backed away. He looks strong too so there was no way I was going to go back over there. So I called midnight and told her to bring a collar and a leash. I waited for a few minutes and then she came and saw the dog.

Mic: hey babe thanks for the stuff. Now I can probably catch him.

Mid: okay babe be careful cause he looks dangerous.*worried for mic cuz he might get bit.*

Aizawa: *growls louder* (hey guys wake up now!

Sabrina, monoma and todoroki woke up and got behind Zawa.

Mic:"oh so that's why he is growling" hey babe go get some dog food. *Walks closer to aizawa*

Sabrina: (hey Zawa I think he is friendly. So I think u can let your guard down now.)

Aizawa:(I will stop when I believe he is friendly, I'm just waiting on the right time to sniff his hand but he will think I will bite him)

Midnight comes back with the food and a dog cage. She puts the food in the cage and todoroki and monoma walked right in and started eating.

Mid: wow they are very skinny. I wonder what happened to them. *Walks to the cage and pets them*

Aizawa sees this and stops growling and walks to the cage and gets in. Same with Sabrina. Mic and midnight just stand there stunned. Lmao.

Mic: I did not expect that at all. Well let's take these four home and get them some food and water and some collars.

When they got home, they let the dogs out and All Might came to meet them. Of course Aizawa didn't like him, he thought all might was annoying. All Zawa wanted was some sleep. While that is happening, Nezu and Sabrina are getting to know each other. (Also Sabrina is the same color as Nezu. All might is 3yrs old, Nezu and Sabrina is 5, mineta is 3 months old, and aizawa is 1 year old. Yes I aged him down but it's worth it.)

Time skip 1 year
Everyone is doing their own thing. Nezu and Sabrina had puppies. They had three boys and two girls. They are 2 weeks old and Nezu is very protective of them and his mate. Anyway, we see mic otp with Momo, tokoyami and ojiro's owner.

The owner: (hi I am calling to see if you were interested in taking my dogs because I heard that you have a lot of them and you were looking for somemore.)

Mic: (yes I am and what kind of dogs do you have?)

The owner:( I have a female husky and two male Dobermans)

Mic:(oh well what a coincidence, I needed a female husky for one of my males, but I will happily take them off your hands. When will you be bringing them?)

The owner:(I will bring them in 2 hours because I have a flight to catch in 6 hours. That is the reason why I am calling, you see I have a job promotion and where I am going doesn't allow dogs in the apartment.)

Mic:(it's fine I completely understand and I will see you in two hours. Bye.)

The owner:(bye)

As Mic gets off the phone a van pulls up in front of the house. (Oh yeah he already called for dabi, toga and shiggy.)

The man: *knocks on the door*

Mic:*opens it* hi I take it that you are the person that is delivering the wolves?

The man: yes I am and I have to say you are very brave to be taking in 3 wolves.

Mic: ah yeah. It's no problem at all since I have lots of dogs running around. Speaking of dogs let me call them. *Whistles*

All the dogs came running with bakugo in the lead.


Kirishima:(bro he is probably here to drop something off. Chill out.)

All might walks forward and sniffs the man.

The man: wow you weren't kidding. Anyways they look like nice dogs. I see you got yourself some Huskies.

Mic: oh yeah. I got another one on the way as we speak.

The man: oh that's awesome. If you end up with some husky pups let me know. My kids would love a few puppies. *Walks to the van and opens the door*

Dabi, toga and shiggy get out and sniff around. They spot the other dogs and walk towards them.

Toga: (hi I'm toga, this is dabi n that is shiggy. Who are you guys?)

They introduced themselves and started to sniff each other and became friends. Shiggy and dabi were the lone wolf type, like Aizawa.

Anyway in chp 3 we will be seeing Momo's group. But still tell me if mineta should have a girlfriend.

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