chp 9

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So I left off wit Trevor going to sleep after his fight. It is now morning n everyone is up n getting fed n watered.  Two guys come n get a couple dogs mostly female n take them out to another area in another barn to get bred. Trevor is talking to deku about what is happening n she looks on in terror. A man comes n takes deku out her cage n she fights but he just drags her to the barn. He ties her up to a pole that has a male husky tied to it as well. She runs to get away from him.

Husky: "looks at her" I have no interest in you so please don't struggle to get away. Ur not even in season n plus I smell other dogs on you. Ur not my type.

Deku: "is relieved" well I'm sorry for running. I don't like being used for such things. I like it when I'm not forced to do anything. But my name's Deku what's ur name?

Husky: well I don't have a name. I have been here since I was a pup. They only use me for breeding apparently. They say I'm too "small" to fight. I could beat anyone easy but they don't know dat n I like it that way. So how did u get here? I see ur collar on ur neck.

Deku: well you see I was at home watching the sheep n it was getting dark n I was walking back home n next thing I knew I was hit in the back of my head n I wake up here. I miss my children n pack mates.

Husky: well do not worry if ur owners noticed he missing then they would have called the police by now n are probably looking for u now. But it's getting time for them to come get u. I'll see u again sometime.

Deku: "gets taken away" okay bye

Deku gets put back in her cage n gets fed. She looks over to see Trevor not in his cage.

Deku: "wondering what happened to her friend n goes to sleep"

The men bring Trevor back while deku was sleeping. Trevor had been through 6 fights n won all of them. He gets fed n watered n is about to go to sleep. Before he goes to sleep he looks over to see deku in her cage. His only wish is for her to get out of there unharmed. He sees her as a little sister n would kill anyone of she ever got hurt. He sighs and goes to sleep in pain. The next morning Trevor n deku are talking about what happened the day before. She told him what happened n he told her what happened to him for him to stay gone all day long. She was upset because of his whereabouts but understood that he had no choice. She realized that none of the dogs had a choice.

Deku: Trevor how did u end up here? I realized that I never asked.

Trevor: I was here since a pup actually. My mom gave birth to me while she was on the streets. She raised me n my siblings up n one day she just disappeared n we couldn't find her. One day I actually did find her and I wish I hadn't....

Deku: what happened to her?

Trevor: "sighs n puts his head down" she was killed by a bigger dog. A male dog over the food she had. I knew it was food because the food she was bringing us was in front of her covered in blood. He ate the parts that didn't have blood.

Deku: "whines for her adoptive brother" I'm so sorry you had to see her like that. U guys didn't deserve any of that and neither did ur mom. What happened to your siblings?

Trevor: they are here too. U juh don't see them neither are only used for breeding. All of my siblings are female n just like me they fight. So these ppl use them to get better fighting dogs. They don't use me for breeding because they think I will kill the female. Even tho I won't because I don't hurt females unless they are aiming for a fight.

Deku: you guys don't deserve this life. "sighs n lays down" when we get out of here I'm definitely taking u and ur siblings home. I promise.

Trevor: thanks that means a lot. I Kno u will keep ur promise.

They both lay down and go to sleep for a while. While they are taking a nap deku's family are on their way behind a lot of officers to her location. Nobody sees it coming.

Okay guys. Ending this chapter right here. I really appreciate you guys and the support ur giving me. I can't thank you guys enough. I used to write stories in my journals when I was in high school. This one wasn't one of them. This one just came to my head. I wish to see some stories like this but until then I'll juh keep writing some like dis. I do want to see some story suggestions tho. I'm willing to write other stories. I kinda wanna do a Spirit story because the ones I read are amazing.  I honestly didn't think so many ppl would read dis story. But I thanks u guys again.

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