chp 6

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Okay so sup guys. I am bck. Had lots of work to do. My grandad died so there was a funeral. But anyway. Sorry to keep u waiting. Also I was wondering if I should do a separate thing where I could make suggestions to people on what I would like to see more often bcuz these stories that I am reading are getting rlly interesting and they keep me up all night (not that I sleep anyway)

Deku POV
Everyone finally got off of me. We went to go watch the game animals. I went to go watch the horses and while I was sitting, I saw shiggy out of the corner of my eye. He sat beside me and we just sat there in a comfortable silence until he spoke up.

Shiggy POV
I saw deku sitting on a hill watching the horses so I went and sat by her. I always wanted to ask her if she could walk with me in the woods one day. I guess this is the time to ask.

Shiggy: hey deku? Umm do you want to go to walking later?

Deku: sure shiggy I wouldn't mind. Where we going?

Shiggy: Juh walking in the woods.

Deku: oh okay. Do you like staying in the woods?

Shiggy: Um yeah. I feel at home when I'm in the woods. It's peaceful. I get to be myself and I kinda want to share it with you. If you are okay with it of course.

Deku: oh yea I'm okay with it. I can't come out here later in the future because I will be too big and too pregnant for all the walking.

Shiggy: well yea I know. *Mumbles- I just wish I could mate with you*

Deku: Yea. So how far is this place?

Shiggy: oh we are here actually. I stay in this cave by myself. So that's why you guys barely see me unless it is dinner time. I actually go hunting once in a while. So I have no need for the dog food. I will start giving you my food though since you are pregnant.

Deku: oh um shiggy that is not necessary. Mic will just give me more food since he knows I'm pregnant. So it's no big deal really.

Shiggy: deku no I insist.

While they are talking and walking around in the woods. Bakugo, Dabi and Aizawa are freaking out because they can't find Deku.

Dabi POV
I can't believe we lost a big white dog just that quick. Bakugo is losing his shit and Aizawa seems calm but is looking around. Me on the other hand is sniffing around looking for a scent. I found it and started following it, but I also smell shiggy. So I turned around since he can't do anything to her.

Dabi: guys she is with shiggy.


Aizawa: Bakugo calm down. He can't do anything to her. It is quite normal actually. I mean almost every male dog around here likes her.

Dabi: True... I hope he doesn't do anything to her.

Bakugo: tch.... Damn extra.

When they got back deku went to her tree to sleep and when she got there everyone was waiting for her so she laid in the middle of everyone and went to sleep.

Okay sorry for the late update guys. I'm already working on the next chapter so it will be out in a couple days. Maybe... Idk depends if I get caught up on something interesting.

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