Chapter 3

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   The school day had been a drag as usual. Sam reclined in her seat as she listened to the droning sound of her math teacher, numbers and blah, blah, blah. However Sam should feel a bit more worried, since her next class was the one she did the homework for, that Jessi took.

   They don't have the same hour for the class, but Sam could gather the homework was the same for them. The drilling sound of the bell went off, and everyone including Sam started filing out of the room.

   She started making her way to her locker, maybe there might be something in there she could use for the next class. As she was approaching it, she saw what looked to be something sticking out of it, obviously curious, she walked up and started pulling it out.

   Upon inspection... it was the homework that Jessi took. She noticed the way the papers looked, that they seemed to be copies. She didn't really have time to think on it though, so she headed to class, maybe ask Jessi about it later. The class goes well, and thankfully the teacher accepted the homework.

   Lunch came around again, Sam sat in her usual spot. Moderately cloudy day, tiny breeze, but sun covered up enough to not be a hot day.

   She looked around, students sitting together or alone, laughing, some walking around. Lots of conversation, to much to really make out a single one. But looking around she doesn't seem to see who she'd expect at this time. Instead of relieved really she just seems.. confused.

   This time she takes a little more time to eat her lunch. Staring at the second one in her bag. She takes another look around, still no Jessi, or her lackeys. However, in her mind she doesn't really question, as she starts to enjoy her rarely uninterrupted lunch.

   Watching birds fly between trees, or an oddly shaped cloud. Eventually though, she gets the urge to pee, and she makes her way to the bathroom.

   Upon entering, she stares at the stall that is reserved for Jessi, the one that started it all, the one she dare not enter again, instead opting for one next to it. She sits down, pants down, holding her appendage and testicle up a bit, she lets it all out. She sits peacefully, finishing up, but still sitting, enjoying the quiet.

   She stands up to pull her pants up, then a loud bang coming from the entrance, what sounds like the door being slammed open. She then hears heavy footsteps go to the sinks. But the sound or crying soon overlaps the footsteps, intense crying. Almost like this person doesn't cry often, and finally able to just let it all out.

   She stands there for a good minute, listening, but also thinking if she should just go for it and leave, or wait till they leave. However after another minute, her decision is made. She steels herself, and opens the door, making her way to the door.

   However she can't help but look at who's crying. Who it is, is not who she expected it to be. She sees Jessi, holding onto the sink, head held over it, crying. She can barely see her face, but she looks like she's in anguish, absolute hurt. Her hope of Jessi not noticing her doesn't go that way. Jessi leans up a bit, turning to see who it is, her face of hurt changes to one of anger, however the tears don't stop.

"GET OUT!" Jessi yells at her. The scream sounded like the world just cracked open, bouncing and echoing off the walls, however this was Sam's cue to run as fast as she can out the door.

   She walks farther away from the bathroom, trying to get a distance away, she didn't want to hear her crying anymore. She thought she'd relish one day making her cry. But all she can feel is sorry, and she doesn't even know what it is she's crying about, just that whatever it is, nobody deserves to feel that way, not even her.

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