Chapter 7

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   Jessi walked out of the shop with two cups, making her way to a table. Sam texted her what she likes, making sure the guy at the counter did it right. She sits at a table with an umbrella in the middle, to give shade from the sun. She pushes it up, and sets one cup down on her side and one on the other side for Sam. She also made sure that Sam's chair was slightly pushed out so that when she got here, she could just plop down.

   She kept checking the time for the next 10 minutes. Sam was a little late, no big deal, probably a reason for it, she's definitely not ditching or anything, she wouldn't do that. In realization that she's overthinking the situation, she lets out a groan then lowers her forehead to the table.

'Just calm down Jessi. Like you thought earlier, probably a little complication.' She thinks to herself. Her thought is cut short however as she hears someone sit down in the chair on the other side of the table. Jessi leans up slowly to see Sam, sitting in the chair, giving her a big smile while she takes a sip from her cup.

"Sorry, traffic was a bit more difficult on the way here. Probably should have texted."

"Oh, no you're fine. I wasn't worried."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Because you're tapping your foot." When Sam points this out, Jessi does notice that she's tapping her foot, and she knows why, nerves. "What are you nervous about?" Sam asks her.

"Pfft. What? Me? I'm not nervous, definitely not." Sam cocks her eyebrow at that. She then leans forward, hold her hand out and motions for Jessi to put hers out too. She does so, and Sam takes ahold of it.

"Jessi. Why so nervous all of a sudden? You've been fine the past week. What's wrong?" Jessi lowers her head a bit, possibly knowing the reason, but not sure if she wants to say.

"It's just...this is my first time doing something for you, and I don't know if I did it right."

"Did something? Do you mean the coffee?" Jessi looks at her then nods a bit slowly. "Jessi, the coffee is great, you did a fantastic job. But was that all? Really?"

"Um...also, I don't have that much money, I only have like $2, and I didn't have the courage to ask my Dad for anything. So I'm a bit short."

"Well how much is it?"

"$5." She says with a bit of an embarrassed face.

"I've got $3, don't worry."

"But I told you I would pay."

"I told you, it's fine. Don't worry. You did nothing wrong." Jessi lets out a sigh before looking in Sam's eyes. Seeing that she's not mad in the slightest, seeing kind, and understanding in them. It puts Jessi at ease, she stops tapping her foot and is less tense. "You don't need to impress me, I'm already your friend."

"That's the thing though, been awhile since I've had one."

"Same, really."

"Then how are you not nervous."

"I am, I'm just a bit better at hiding it."

"Heh. You always seemed good at that..... oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"No no, you're fine." Jessi looks at their interlocked hands, after a few seconds she leans back and they break apart. Sam pulled hers back as well. Jessi takes her cup and sips a bit before setting it back down.

"Um, I put the umbrella up. Thought you wouldn't really like to sit out in the sun, but I figured we also had spent enough time indoors recently. You know?"

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