Stomach Bug 🐛

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I wake up to Marco's arms wrap around me. Last night physical was intense. He really was going all for it. I guess he wanted to prove to himself he still had it. I don't see why he's bothered, I told him I don't care. I guess it's a man thing, protect his pride and whatnot.

"You wake-yoi?"

I turn back to look at him, "sure am." I kiss him, he kisses back.

"You pass with flying colours-yoi."

"I'm glad I pass, hehe. We better get up and get ready for work."

"Mmmm... We don't have an appointment till 9:30, right-yoi?"

"Right, but we may have a walk-in."

He pulls me in closer, mumbles something.

"We have to get up Marco. We'll have to have a shower before we go though."

"Shower first then breakfast-yoi."

"If you say, haha."


After our 'shower', I make breakfast Marco looks off. "Marco is something wrong?"

"No, why do you ask-yoi?"

"You just seem off that's all."

"I'm fine-yoi." He smiles goes back to his breakfast.

"Okay," I go back to mine.

Something is off, it can't be of last time still? Mmmm... I'll keep an eye on him today.


We had a fair few patients today, by the looks of it. A stomach bug going around, I've had the joy of handing out vomit bags. And cleaning up two or three... Then again I've cleaned up worse...

"Hello Ms (Y/N)..."

Look up see Sarah, she doesn't look well. "Hello Sarah, not feeling well."

She nods, covers her mouth. I hand her a bag, she covers her mouth with it. And vomits, I get her a cup of water. Walk around to her, hold a tissue as well.

"Uhhh... Thank you..." She takes them tidy herself.

"It's okay, I'm not a doctor. But it seems there's a stomach bug going around. And you may have caught it. I'll book you in to see Marco, sadly it won't be me till a bit later."

"How much..." Her head goes back to the bag. "Longer?"

"Late afternoon, unfortunately. Right on closing."

"Oh..." I bring my chair around for her. "Thank you..."

"Your welcome." I go back around my desk.

We really need another doctor. Clair retired now, helping out with the grandchildren. We can't ask her to come back. Hmmm... I wonder if Marco will teach me? I won't be able to do much at first, it'll be some help to Marco.


"Sarah?" Marco calls out to her.

I take the used bag, give her a new one. "Thank you."

"It's okay. I'll give Davis a call come pick you up."

She nods walks in, I give Davis a call. Now time to clean up... For the hundredth time... Hope to air the place out... I clean the clinic top to bottom, side to side. The place is clean once again, have to wait for Marco and Sarah to finish. They seem to be taking a while.

Rise From The Ashes - Marco x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now