Next Day 📆

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I woke up with (Y/N) in my arms. I pull her in closer remembering the events from last night. I can't believe she said yes. Is it wrong for us to get married? It feels right having her by my side. I kissed the back of her head.

"You know there are better places to kiss me right?"

"Sorry for waking you-yoi."

She rolled over to face me. "You didn't I've been awake for a while. I was enjoying you holding me."

"Do you remember the last night-yoi?"

"I remember a lot of things last night." She crawls on top of me. "Idid like this part," she started to grind me.

I grab her hips before she could go any further. "I mean between those parts-yoi."

"You mean where you ask me to marry you. Then yes I remember that it was my favourite part." She started kissing my neck.

"(Y/N) wait-yoi."

She stops looking at me, "what?"

I lean over to the draw, grab a condom. Wait... "Hey (Y/N) did we use any protection last night-yoi?"

She sat up, thinking. "Nope, I don't think so. You went to grab one, but I stop you cause I wanted to do something for you. Then yeah..."

"Fuck-yoi." I facepalm myself, how could I be stupid to forget to put one on!

"What's wrong?"

"We have to get you to the clinic." I lifted her off, got up to get dress.

"What for? I feel fine."

"You could be pregnant."

"Yeah could be. You can't tell this early anyway." She was right, nothing will show in blood or urine test. I sat back on the bed, head in my hands.

"I take it you don't want kids?" She sat beside me wearing my shirt from last night.

"I do, but..."

"You think I don't want kids with you, is that right? Look, Marco." She climbs back on me. "You ask me to marry you last night, yes?"


"I said yes. That means I want to be with you! I want to have kids with you! I want to be with you forever! Are you getting the picture? I don't care how old you are, and you need to stop thinking about it. Besides you're as young as the girl you're feeling." She grabs my hands, places one on her ass and the other on her breast. I gave them both a squeeze.

"You want to go again do you-yoi?"

"Yes please ~" She started grinding again.

"There's nothing more I rather do than to take you right now. But I got work to do today, sorry-yoi."

"Isn't there a thing called a quickie? How about you show me what it is? Please, Marco ~" She started to grind harder.

"I would love to show you, but I DO have work to do-yoi."

"But you didn't have work when you thought I was pregnant." She started pouting, she was making it hard to say no.

"How about this you join me for a shower-yoi?"

She jumps off, races towards the bathroom. Threw my shirt through the door called out, "you coming?"

"You're going to be the death of me. At least I'll go out happy-yoi." I strip my pants off went to join my beautiful wife to be.

- Skipper -
- (Y/N) -

After our 'shower' Marco left to work around the island. I said I would stay home and clean up. Being my first time I bleed a bit, the sheets needed to be a wash. The sheets and clothes wash, clean the rest of the house. Putting books away and getting more firewood for tonight.

By the time I finished, it was lunchtime. I cut up some fruit and sat at the breakfast bench. My mind wandered off to last night and this morning. Last night we didn't use protection, there could be a chance I'm pregnant. Really I'm not all too bothered by it. I already know Marco great with kids. If I'm not pregnant that's okay. There's always next time.

I finish lunch go outside to do some gardening. Well, to at least start one. I ask if I could have a little one. Then he suggested I have one that wraps around the pouch. At the moment I'm placing garden rocks, start off with.

"You know you shouldn't be doing the heavy lifting if you're pregnant-yoi." I stood up hearing Marco.

"We don't even know if I am, so don't get too excited."

"Well, I was thinking about it all morning. If you are pregnant it'll be the second-best thing in my life-yoi."

"What's first?" As I wrap my arms around his neck.

"That I've got such a young beautiful woman like you in my life-yoi." I pull him in kissing him.

"So does this mean you've finished work early?"

"No, I still have more work to do. I just wanted to come to see you-yoi."

"Oh, how sweet of you. So..." I bite my lip.

"No quickies-yoi."

"Arrrr, why not?" So unfair.

"As I said I just wanted to come to see you. And I have now to go-yoi."

"Fine but not without a kiss." Before he could say anything I pulled him in. Kissed him deeply and seductively. If I can't have what I want, I'm going to make him want it.

He back me up to the pillar, "if I didn't know better I say you were trying to get want you through me-yoi." Said in a low husky.

"Is it working?"

"When I get home you better be ready-yoi." Kisses me biting my lip.

"I can't wait." He took off into the sky. First time I've actually seen his Phoenix form, well part of it anyway.

Rise From The Ashes - Marco x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now