Nightmare ☠️

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In a few days, I got a visit from Aunty Flow, so no baby. Marco did say it could be possible, some women still get their periods. I knew I wasn't pregnant, I wasn't upset. Marco on the other hand... Hasn't really spoken much this week. I'm starting to get worried. I did try to talk to him about it, but he kept brushing me off. I don't know what to do, I don't want to push him. But I don't want him to think I'm heartless and I don't want to have a baby.

I walk out of the bathroom see him sitting on the edge of the bed. He's off in his own little world, I call out to him. Nothing, I call out again. This isn't like him to space out. I stand in front of him, lift his chin up. His eyes are dull, lifeless but soon fades as he realises he's looking at me.

"I didn't hear you come in-yoi."

"I know, I called out to you twice."

"Oh-yoi." He looks back to the ground.

I step closer to him, his eye now levels with my breast. "Marco, did I do something to upset you?"

He looks up from the ground. "What? No, what would make you think that-yoi?"

I wrap my arms around his neck. "Well, you were all excited when you thought I might be pregnant. When I got my periods you seem upset."

"I was a bit upset, but that's not what's bothering. It's not so much bothering-yoi..." He trialled off.

"What's the matter? You know you can tell me anything." I brought him into a hug, well my breast hugging his face. I could feel him laughing.

"Nothing to worry about-yoi." He tries to reassure me, it's not working.

"Marco..." I straddle him. "You've hardly spoken all week. You haven't been yourself lately either. I don't want to push you, but I'm worried." I look into his eyes pleading for an answer, or at least something.

He looks away and sighs. "You've notice huh-yoi."

"How couldn't I? I know we've only known each other for a short amount of time. We still have a lot to learn about one another. I know something upsetting you." I play with his hair, hoping to relax him a bit.

"It's not easy for me to say-yoi."

"Can you show me?" I try to catch his eye, smile.

"It's getting late and its dark-yoi."

"Phoenix is made out of fire yeah?" He stares at me and nods. "Fire gives off light?"

He laughs and shakes his head, "not tonight. But I'll show you in the morning okay-yoi?" He places his hands on my butt.

"Promise?" I rest my forehead on his.

"I promise-yoi." Smiles back.

"Good. Now can I have a kiss? I haven't had one today." I pouted, making my lips quiver.

He laughs and kisses me, gawd how I miss kissing him. I want more of him, now not the right time. He falls back into the bed, pulls me down.

"I see you stole one of my shirts again-yoi." He smiles, pulling on the collar.

"They're much comfier than mine. And they smell like you." I give him the puppy dog eyes.

"How could I say no to that face-yoi?" He smiles up at me.

"You can't," I smirk at him.

"Cocky aren't you-yoi?" He rolls me over.

"Wish I had a cock in me, haha."

"If that's what you want-yoi." How I've missed him.

I cupped his face, brought him into a kiss. "As much as I do. I think we should go to bed."

"You sure-yoi?"

"I'm sure. Just know I'm here for you." I kiss his nose.

"Love you (Y/N)-yoi."

"I love you too Marco." We hop into bed, fall asleep with Marco holding me.

- Through The Night -
- Marco -

'"NO POPS! ACE-YOI!" I watch Pops and Ace die over and over again.

Everything started shaking, I could hear a voice. "Marco! Marco wake up you're a having nightmare! Wake up!"

I sprung up, pinned the person down to the bed. "Marco stop, please! Marco, it's me please stop!"

Open my eyes, see (Y/N) frighten, scared and crying. I realise I was on top of her, my fist on fire. "(Y/N) baby, I'm so sorry. I... I..." I didn't know what to say, I was about to hit her, burn her. I never wanted to scare her or make her cry. I got off went out get some fresh air.

I sat out the front, head in my hands. "What the fuck have I done-yoi." I head the door creak open.

"Marco are you okay?" Felt her hand gently touch my shoulder.

"No, I was about to hit you. I could have hurt you, could have even killed you-yoi!" I felt her hand leave me, she's leaving I know it.

I felt her gentle touch as she pulled my hands away from my face. She's kneeling in front of me. "But you didn't hurt me or kill me. I'm just bit scared, it was my first time seeing your devil fruit."

I look up at her, how can she be smiling. Her thumb wipes away a tear I didn't even know I had. "Marco I love you, one nightmare isn't going to scare me away. Now come let's go back to bed."

She stood up holding her hand out. I wipe my face and picked her up bridal style. "I love you (Y/N), so much-yoi!"

"Hehe, I love you more!"

"Don't think that's possible-yoi."

I place (Y/N) in bed, got in with her. I was about to pull her in, instead, she stops me. "What's wrong-yoi?"

"Nothing lay down." I did as she asked, she pulled me rested my head on her chest. She started to play with my hair.

I could hear her heartbeat, she started humming. I began to relax, my eyes started to feel heavy. I drifted off to sleep.

Rise From The Ashes - Marco x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now