Another Phoenix? ❄️

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"How do you feel?" Another man stands up after I healed his injures.

"I feel like I can fight for days! Thanks, Ms (Y/N)!" He takes off back to the fight.

"Arr!" I get his injures, exactly what fruit did I eat? They heal quickly, I'm perfectly fine. I stand up to see everyone healed and fighting. "That's good, everyone fine. For now..."

I watch Marco fight the captain. I keep my distance from the fight, watch for anyone that gets hurt.

"If it wasn't for this Devil Fruit, so many people would be dead. Kelly would be on a ship right now."

"How the fuck are you live?" Turn my head, it's the other guy from the house.

"Uhh... Stay back! Touch me, I'll burn you!"

"Haha, you burn me yeah right. I don't know how you survive, but this time you'll stay dead, haha." He holds up his gun.




My chest starts to burn, I fall to my knees. "No..."

Everything starts to go blurry again. I hear people yelling, someone holding me.

"(Y/N)! Hold on, I'll get you back to the centre. Just hold on please-yoi."


"Stay with me, keep your eyes open-yoi!" My eyes feel so heavy... "(Y/N)!!"


"Ahhhh-hhaaaaaa." I open my eyes, "how long was I asleep for?"

"(Y/N) you're awake-yoi," Marco pretty much jumps out of his chair onto the bed.

"Huh? What's going on? What are you so worried about?"

"You don't remember what happen to you-yoi?"

"Umm... No, I can't remember."

"What was the last thing you remember-yoi?"

"I had an appointment with Miss Brown. You called, said you would ring back and you did. I clean the centre, went over the paperwork and done the files. I went home, and... I uhh... I can't remember anything."

"You don't remember getting stab or eating the Devil Fruit-yoi?"

"I got stab?" I pull my shirt up, there's nothing there. "Are you sure? I don't remember eating the Devil Fruit."

"The island was attacked, you were stabbed in the kitchen. There was blood on the floor and the bench..." He goes quiet, "you should have died-yoi..."

"Stabbed?" I try to remember what happen.

'You know what we do to feisty ones'
'You're right Nate.'
'We kill them, haha.'

Remember a guy stabbing me, turning the knife, he cut me open.

I grab my head, "(Y/N) are you okay-yoi?" He holds me.

"Yes, I'm fine. I remember now, the guy that stab me his name was Benji. The other guy his was Nate. The island! We were being attacked!" I throw the quilt off.

"It's okay (Y/N), it's over. We were able to offend them off. If it wasn't for you, we would have lost people. And the island-yoi..."

I sit back down, "that's right. A few of the men and I cleared the village. And I was able to heal people, but I..."

"You take the person's injured, then you healed-yoi."

"Right, but I was able to burn people too. But they said they were freezing."

"It's called Ice Burn-yoi."

"Ice Burn? That only happens after long exposure to ice or something cold comes in contact and damages the skin. I wasn't holding anything."

"You said the Devil Fruit looked frozen but was warm-yoi?"

"Yes, but they said they felt cold." Marco holds my hand, his hand fires up. "Ow!" I pull my hand back, "what was that for?" My hand heals, he smiles.

"You, my fiancee are an ice Phoenix-yoi."

"An ice Phoenix? There's no such thing as an ice Phoenix. No, there's only one Phoenix and mythical Devil Fruit."

"There was another one and you found it. Now you're really are my Phoenix-yoi." He pecks my lips.

"I got shot, then I fainted. You don't faint."

He laughs, "no I don't. But I don't heal people. Taking that many people's injures in a short amount of time. Plus your own, I imagine would be exhausting-yoi."

"Guess you're right."

He moves further onto the bed, pulls me into his lap. "When we came home... I saw the blood-yoi..." He holds me close. "If it wasn't for the fruit-yoi..."

"I'm lucky I found it. At least now I don't have to worry about scarring, haha."

"Another thing-yoi," he starts kissing my back.

I move my shoulders, "Marco..."

"It's gone-yoi."

"What's gone?"

"The mark, it's gone-yoi."

I look back at him, he's smiling. "There's no way it's gone."

"Take a look-yoi."

He lets go of me, I hope off the bed. I hate seeing my back, Marco wouldn't lie to me. I lift the back of my shirt up. Where the mark? I should be able to see the bottom. I quickly take my shirt off. "It's gone... There's no way..." I try to touch where it was.

"It's gone, you're free now. Just like a Phoenix-yoi," he wraps his arms around me again.

"It's really gone," I start crying. "I'm free, I'm so..."

"Yes, you are-yoi."

I hold on to Marco, finally, I'm free.


After a while, I got dressed we headed out to the town. People were repairing building and homes. I had people coming up to me, asking how I was? They were glad I was here. Thanking me for helping them. Asked how I healed people.

Marco explains how I was able to heal people. Even though I can heal people's injures. I can't always heal people. Their body would be too dependent on me healing them. They should let their bodies heal at their own pace. Everyone was understanding. I guess he doesn't want me to be used. I doubt the people would do that. Anyway, he told them that I'm resting after healing so many people. While Marco wasn't looking... I healed a few kids' scratches and cuts. They were amazed thought it was cool.

We went to the centre, for anyone that needed treatment. Marco treated them, I was put back on the desk. If there was any injures, he could treat them. Thankfully there weren't too many people. Some squished thumbs from a hammer. Nothing really from the attack. I healed most people that day.

What day is it? Marco walks out, "Marco what day is it?"


"I was asleep for two days?!"

"Yep, you didn't stir once-yoi."

"No, wonder you were worried." I sat back in my chair.

He walks over, "you still need to rest-yoi."

"I will."

"No l mean no healing scratches-yoi."

"Haha, they were kids'."

"Even so, no more-yoi."

"Yes, Doctor." I kiss him, he smiles at me.

I love seeing my doctor ~

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