20. Rescued

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Koturo was starting to look very menacing. He scowled and no longer fake smiled or made fun of Elfman and Evergreen. He looked serious.

"We... We can't beat him alone..." Evergreen said, between heaving breaths. She glanced up at Elfman. 

"We have to try!" Elfman said, clutching his side in pain. Both of them were already worn out and Koturo was just getting started.

Koturo started to walk back towards the two mages, scowling.

"You two have hindered my plans long enough. I think I'll just get rid of you now," he said, raising his arms. 

The two mages were no match for his telekenesis. There was no way to protect against it as they were flung up into the air and tossed back down. Koturo relentlessly kept cruelly attacking, especially on Evergreen.

Evergreen went flying into the air, and then crashing down. She went higher because she was so much lighter than Elfman. Every time she hit the ground, she could feel a bone breaking, a bruise forming. The blood rushed to her head when she was thrown upwards.

Elfman wasn't faring very well either. And at this point... both of their magic power was running out, and so was their stamina. They had been up and fighting for so long. 

"Stop...stop..." Evergreen tried to say, but the force of the impact with the ground stole her breath and made her words come out raspy and barely audible.

"You Fairy Tail mages will either become part of my guild or you will be eradicated. I think you two aren't even worth recruiting... Because I only need the strongest to be in my guild," Koturo walked up to the mages, who were both sprawled on the ground.

How did it come to this? Evergreen thought to herself. This isn't how it's supposed to end. We're not... we're not weak...

"We're not weak!" Elfman yelled, as if he was reading Evergreen's thoughts.

He gasped for air, and forced himself to stand up.

"The only person here who is weak is you... You can't even form a guild without brainwashing the people in it... That's just sad..." Elfman chuckled, and a drop of blood trickled out of his mouth, but he was smiling.

"This is the pathetic thinking that will send you to your death... The Serpents of Chaos will become bigger and stronger than Fairy Tail and you will regret what you said!" Koturo yelled.

Evergreen shook her head. "You could never be better, or even as good as Fairy Tail. Because we have the one thing that matters. Love... The bond stronger than any magic spell you could put on anyone to control them."

"Gah, you fools!" Koturo said, clearly angry. "You don't know what true power is! True power is... having people fear you."

"No, that's not what it is..." A refreshingly sweet voice came from behind Elfman and Evergreen. Elfman gasped and turned around.

"M-Mira!" He exclaimed, shocked at the sudden appearance of his sister.

"Elfman... I'm sorry it took us so long to come and help you guys," Mira said, as she transformed into her Satan Soul. 

Koturo backed away as Mira's darker side made an appearance. Right behind Mira was Laxus.

"Laxus? You came too...?" Evergreen asked, confused. 

"Not just me..." He said, as the Raijinshuu came running up behind him.

"Ever!" Bickslow yelled. "We were so worried! But now we're here to kick this guy's ass!"

"That's right..." Freed said, nodding.

Evergreen stood in shock, not fully absorbing the reality of what was happening. But someone made her sit to the side, and she heard Koturo yelling in frustration as her friends... her family, fought him.

"I'm so... happy..." Evergreen said, smiling. It was the last thing she remembered before she dropped to her knees and the world went dark.

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