4. Friendly Fire

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Evergreen sprouted her fairy wings and attacked using her Fairy Machine Gun.

The robed man had nowhere to hide, and he was pelted with the glowing bullets. He growled, not down yet. His hand glowed with magic as he lunged towards Ever. She danced away from him gracefully.

Elfman, on the other hand, was barreling through the two attackers that approached him. He grabbed one by the leg and threw him out the window, breaking several seats and the window in the process. The other, who was slightly frightened now, started to back away.

But Elfman wouldn't let him get away. He roared and lunged towards him. The robed man crashed right into his accomplice, who was about to get mauled by Evergreen's attack.

"I've got this!" Evergreen shouted, as she released her magic.

Elfman had other plans. He attacked anyways, knocking the two robed men out of the way. They fell out of the window that Elfman had broken by throwing the first one off the train. But Evergreen couldn't stop her attack once she let it go, and Elfman took a huge blast to the face.

"AAAAGGH! EVER, WHAT THE HELL?" Elfman shouted, clutching his face and transforming back into his human form.

"What do you mean what the hell?!" Evergreen screeched, peering out the window. "If you hadn't gotten in my way, I would have had those two unconscious and actually IN THE TRAIN!"

"Why would you want them in the damn train?" Elfman mumbled, still covering his face with his hand. "I got rid of them for you, so you're welcome."

"No thank you!" Evergreen said, huffily. She put her hands on her hips. "If we had those creepy guys still here, we would have been able to question them! Now, thanks to you, we have no idea why they attacked me."

Elfman tried to argue back, but he realized that she was right. He sighed.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking," Elfman said, having the grace to apologize.

"Hmmph," Evergreen approached him, noticing that he still hadn't moved his hand from the left side of his face. "Did... did you get a full blast in the face?" She asked, hesitantly.

"I'm fine." Elfman didn't let the true amount of his pain show on his face, or in his voice. But Evergreen knew the extent of her power. She knew that it had to have hurt.

Gingerly, she removed his hand from his face. She stood right in front of him, peering into his eyes. She gasped.

"That... that doesn't look too good," she said, biting her lip. Elfman's eye was swollen shut, and turning a purplish color. The entire left side of his face was red and splotchy as well.

Evergreen didn't realize that as she was examining Elfman's face, she had cupped his face in her hands. But Elfman noticed, and he was thankful for the splotchiness that hid what surely would have been a furious blush.

There was something in the tenderness of her gaze when she realized he was truly hurt. There was something there that made him entirely forget that she was the one that had hurt him.

Evergreen turned around crisply. "Well, I guess I'll go get some ice for you. Stay here."

"Wait...no. We should stay together. In case there are more of those guys," Elfman said, from where he sat on the floor.

Evergreen paused at the door. She turned and met his eyes. "I don't need a bodyguard, especially not one so thick-skulled. But, if you'd feel lonely without me, I guess I can bear it..."

She kept one hand on her hip, but lazily stretched out the other to help Elfman up. He took her hand, which was engulfed by his much larger one. She didn't meet his eyes, but led him through the door still holding his hand.

"Wouldn't want you to get lost," Evergreen said, tightening her grip on his hand. "You're basically half blind now... if you weren't already before."

Elfman shook his head and sighed at her insults, but he knew this was Evergreen's weird way of feeling guilty for hitting him. He followed her out, smiling to himself. He knew it was temporary kindness, but he'd take whatever he could get. It was rare with Evergreen, after all.


Yay! I liked writing this chapter. It was kind of mushy, but that's my favorite ;)

Make sure to vote if you like it! Or not, whatever. lol but I'll love you if you do.

And, like always, thanks for reading!

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