12. Giving Up Hope

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"We have to tell Ever..." Elfman stood up and went back to the hut with Yasmin right behind him.

They woke Evergreen up and explained what they had just found out. She scowled.

"This is clearly a trap," Evergreen said. "They're going to lure us in, but I doubt that they will release the villagers. We don't even know if they're..." She stopped, glancing at Yasmin. But they all knew what she was thinking.

We don't even know if the villagers are alive.

All of a sudden, Yasmin started to get teary-eyed. Elfman looked confused and clueless as the tears started dropping.

"I can't bear to think of them, locked up somewhere in that forest," she said, as a way of explaining her tears. "But I also can't bring myself to tell you guys to risk your lives to go with only a slight chance of bringing them back..."

She leaned against Elfman's shoulder, unable to control her tears, and he looked at Evergreen for help, not knowing what to do.

Evergreen looked away pointedly, pretending not to notice.

Elfman awkwardly patted her back, saying things like, "It's okay..." and "We'll figure this out."

Yasmin pulled herself together, wiping her eyes and saying, "I'm sorry. I'm okay now. So, what are you guys going to do? Don't feel pressured to go into the woods if you really think that it's a trap," Yasmin hesitated. "Do what you think is right. We're already indebted to you for helping us earlier."

Saying this, Yasmin turned around and exited the hut so the two mages could talk it out together.

Elfman sat down next to Evergreen. "She's an unpredictable one, isn't she?" He said, sighing.

Evergreen didn't respond. Instead, she said, "I'm really starting to hate these Serpents of Chaos guys. Who do they think they are?"

"I think we can take them," Elfman said. "They're not real men. Real men wouldn't lurk in the shadows and let the animals do their work."

"I know you want to go in and be the hero, but what if we're ambushed? We shouldn't do this. You have to think realistically, Elfman..." Evergreen looked away again.

"It's not about being the hero, Ever! It's about the possibility of saving people's lives. Doesn't that matter to you?" He asked, indignantly.

"Of course it does! But I don't want y--us to risk our lives in the process!" Evergreen hugged her knees and rested her forehead on them. 

Elfman stood up.

"Well, I'm going to risk my life anyways. Because even if something bad happens, it'll be worth it for the many people that will come home. And I will do it whether or not you come."

Evergreen huffed. "Maybe you should take Yasmin with you, then."

He had no idea what that had to do with anything, but he was confused, and mad, so he said, "At least she cares. That makes her more useful to this cause than you right now." 

Elfman left the tent, not really knowing why Evergreen's opposition to this was making him so mad.

He found Yasmin and told her that he planned on going into the forest, with or without Evergreen. She took his large hand in her small one and smiled up at him thankfully, and they were talking about something. Elfman smiled back at her.

Evergreen saw, from where she was standing, and thought to herself: Well, he never would have loved me anyways.


Hi everyone sorry for the late update, I been chilling too hard.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed; make sure to vote and comment and stuff. Thanks!

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