9. A Restless Night

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Yasmin led the mages to a small hut.

"We're really sorry, but... we aren't a very big village, and there is only one hut we can spare for you two..." Yasmin said, looking apologetically towards Elfman and Evergreen.

"W-wait. Like single room...?" Evergreen asked, indignant.

"There should be two sleeping mats in there. I wish we had something more grand to offer you, but..." Yasmin trailed off sheepishly.

"What's the problem?" Elfman asked, clueless.

Evergreen looked away from him and turned to Yasmin.

"You're sure there's nowhere else?" Evergreen asked.

"If you want... one of you could stay in my hut..." Yasmin said. "Maybe Elfman-san could, it would be like he's protecting me..." She timidly offered, blushing slightly.

"Hmm." Evergreen paused, and glanced at Elfman, who was busying himself by gathering their luggage again. "Actually...I think we'll be fine," Evergreen said curtly. "But thank you, Yasmin." Evergreen smiled at the girl, but it didn't reach her eyes.

This girl has only known Elfman for a few hours! But she already seems to have a thing for him... Evergreen thought to herself. I'd better spare her the pain of being around this meat-head and keep him away from her.

That's all she was doing, right? Protecting Yasmin from Elfman's cluelessness about love.

Justifying herself like that, Evergreen walked into the hut. Yasmin smiled at Elfman, but quickly left the two alone, turning on her heel and returning to her hut, slightly embarrassed. Elfman went in after Evergreen, carrying their bags.

"Wow. This is... small," he said, scratching his head. The hut was barely tall enough for the big guy to stand in. He placed the bags down and looked around.

"I guess I'll sleep here, and you sleep there," Evergreen said, pointing to the two mats laid out on the floor. They were close, but not so close that it was awkward. Evergreen silently thanked whoever placed the mats there for being considerate. She wasn't sure how she'd feel if she had to sleep right next to Elfman.

"Okay. We'd better get some sleep, before any of those beasts get here," Elfman said, stretching himself out on the mat closer to the exit. He yawned and said, "Good night, Ever."

Evergreen yawned herself, and replied, "Wake me up if anything happens. I'm kind of a deep sleeper." But her words were lost on the tired man.

"Okay..." Elfman said, already drifting off to sleep. He started snoring in no time.

Evergreen, on the other hand, couldn't fall asleep. For some reason, the girl Yasmin was bothering her. She was so nice and pretty, but Evergreen felt that maybe Yasmin was coming on too strongly with Elfman. She huffed at her own thoughts.

Even if she does like him, what is it to me? Evergreen thought. Her gaze drifted to Elfman, who was sleeping rather peacefully.

Evergreen tried to sleep, but these thoughts hounded her. She tried to shoo them away, but... they were there to stay.

Then, as she was tossing and turning, her thoughts were suddenly interrupted with shouts from the village, saying:

"The beasts! Help! The beasts are here!"


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