17. Koturo

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I know that last part was so random, but I'm going somewhere with it, I promise!

Make sure to vote and comment. Thanks for reading!

And I apologize for not updating in so long, school has been taking over my life!


"He must be their master..." Evergreen whispered, as the menacing man approached them. He was tall and thin, but didn't look that strong, physically. His face was very angular, and he had high cheekbones and piercing eyes. His hair was black and shiny.

Elfman scowled. "I don't like the look of him, or of any of this. It has evil written all over it."

"Who are you?" Evergreen asked, as the man got closer.

"I am Koturo, the master of the newest, and most powerful dark guild... The Serpents of Chaos. You will know me very well very soon, don't you worry," he said, menacingly.

Elfman and Evergreen both realized that all of the men inside the cages looked like the missing village men. They were innocent victims of this dark guild.

Suddenly, Koturo waved his arms and the doors to the cages opened.

"Seize them!" He yelled.

"What are you doing?!" Evergreen shrieked, as the village men who were previously in the cages grabbed her. Elfman forced his way out of the grasp of the men who tried to keep him down. Immediately, he rushed towards Koturo, wanting to end this early.

But Koturo was more powerful than he looked. He simply waved his arm and Elfman went flying.

"Don't be silly. Your strength is nothing compared to my telekenesis powers." He waved his arm again and Elfman went flying into one of the empty cages. The village men forced Evergreen into the cage right next to his.

"Why are you doing this?" Elfman asked, sounding sad as he looked at the village men. None of them responded, but they looked away. Elfman noticed that their eyes looked blank. It was as if they were being brainwashed.

They followed Koturo's every command.

"Now go." Koturo said to the men. "We need more men. Capture all the healthy, strong men that you can. Do you understand?" All of the village men nodded submissively.

Then, they all turned into beasts, just like Daniel had, and exited the secret hideout.

"What have you done to them?" Evergreen asked, horrified. She couldn't believe that the beasts that were attacking the village were the former villagers themselves.

"Just some dark magic spells. Like the old legends of werewolves... but better." Koturo's smile was horrifying. He seemed to be enjoying himself immensely.

"What did these villagers ever do to you? Why this village?!" Elfman asked, angrily.

"You'll know everything soon enough... you two have to wait your turn, though. Casting the spell on mages is slightly harder..." Koturo said, as he walked away.

"Wait! Come back! I'm not done with you!" Elfman yelled, banging on the bars of the cage.

The two mages could hear Koturo's laugh as he left them, alone in the large cavern underground, locked in separate cages.

Immediately, both of them started to blast the cages with all the magic they had left. Elfman even tried bending the bars with his beast soul. But the cages must have been specifically built to restrain mages, because they did not budge one inch.

Elfman collapsed to the ground, exhausted, and emotionally beaten.

Evergreen watched him longingly, shocked and equally as drained. She wished that Koturo would have at least had the decency to put them in the same cage...

"Elfman," she said, hesitantly. She didn't really know what to say.

"I can't believe this... all of this... those poor villagers," Elfman said, still not facing her.

"He plans on turning us into those sort of mindless drones as well," Evergreen said.

Elfman finally faced her, tears in his eyes. "I don't care. They're going to attack the village, and we won't be able to save them. We've failed."


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