Experiments and Questioning

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Izuku POV

I woke up in a dark room that seemed to be a cell with two beds and nothing else. I looked over and saw the same guy with the hand on his face standing in the doorway to the cell staring at me which only sent chills down my spine for he gave off a terrible aura of darkness.

???: So you finally decided to wake up ay?

Izuku: What do you want from me!

???: You are now a playtoy of the LOV so get ready for I Tomura Shigaraki is going to make your life a living hell.

He then walked in and started dragging me to a room with what looked to be a chair hooked up to a ton of tubes. He threw me in the chair and within a few seconds needles starting injecting something into me. It felt like I was being burned through the inside. I could only sit there and scream in pain as the man named Shigaraki watched me and laughed.

Izumi POV

It has been two weeks since Izuku went missing and it seems as though my mother had not been able to handle it at all every day she would breakdown and cry at the mention of his name. I never understood why because I was pretty sure they didn't care about him. I mostly felt guilt as I bullied him so much that we never were really siblings. I think that my family including me are starting to lose hope at where his whereabouts are and whether or not he was alive.

I could only hope that he was alive and that I could see him again to apologize for all the trouble I caused. But was he going to forgive me? 

Timeskip 2 Years

Izuku POV 

I have been in this hellhole of a base for 2 years now and all that has happened was Shigaraki and the other members experimenting on me and injecting me with many fluids. Some of which actually gave me quirks. They also changed my eyes to always be a glowing white unless using one of my quirks in a special way, causing me to always wear a blindfold. I now have 4 quirks that have many abilities within them. With all of them, I can go into a mode called infinity where my hair starts to change my eyes and my whole body then starts to glow, boosting all of my power with that quirk.

 First is my favorite ability Fire: The ability to summon fire out of my mouth and hands. I can use the power to summon a Phoenix and I can go into Infinity where my hair turns into flames as my eyes start flashing solid red boosting the power of my fire.

Next is Water: The ability to use the water in the air to create large waves and even blades out of water. I can summon a sea serpent and can go into Infinity causing my entire body to turn into water allowing me to travel through the water molecules in the air with an added boost of strength to my power.

Then I have Earth: The ability to move the rocks and dirt around to create barriers and such. I can summon a rock golem and when in Infinity with my rock power I summon the golem giving him boosted strength my eyes also turn and Earth green when in this mode.

Finally, I have Air: The ability to create large gusts of wind and change the air pressure around me. I can summon a Gryphon and when in Infinity mode My hair turns from regular white to a glowing white and my eyes changes into a clear blue and the air around me starts swirling into a tornado.

After about an hour of sitting in the cell, Shigaraki came in with a girl who seemed to be about my age and throw her in the cell. Shigaraki wanted to start testing another person?

I turned to look at the girl who looked terrified, shocked, and sad.

Izuku: My name is Izuku what is yours?

Izuku of the ElementsWhere stories live. Discover now