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"Damn it!" Adonis yells storming out of the clearing.

I stand there still thinking. How quick could I reach them? If I left right now I could reach them by tomorrow.

I follow the path Adonis took out of the forrest but can't seem to find him, he's completely disappeared.

I kick the dirt as I walk back to the house. What were they expecting? Of course it was a damn trap, it was too good to be true.

I look up at the tree line as the sun hits my face. I bask in the warmth for a minute knowing that everything is going to change very soon.

I walk back to the house hoping to give Adonis a little bit of time to cool off. I open the door and see a literal fireball headed towards my head.

I lift my hands and dissolve it with water quickly before it reaches me.

"Get out," Adonis says, his voice holding venom.

I reluctantly step in the house before starting, "Your little tantrum here isn't going to help them. We both knew it was stupid for them to go but there's nothing we can do now. Either we help them in Cerebellium or they might not make it."

Adonis walks over to and hovers over my frame, "Listen here Athanasia, I don't need them and I sure as hell don't need you," he says poking my chest. "I have no reason to save them because in the end the only person I can truly rely on is me."

He pushes past me out of the house, "That's a really lonely way to live," I say in a normal tone aware he can still hear me.

"Don't act like you don't do the same shit Athanasia," he yells back before disappearing in the trees.

I rub my arm before closing the front door. I have no idea where Adonis is going but hell if I care. He clearly doesn't give a shit about me.

I shuffle through the cabinets and grab a loaf of bread before sliding down along the wall. I take a bite out of the loaf before leaning my head back.

Why must everything have gotten so difficult? I didn't mean for things to go south and as much as I hate to admit it I'm scared to go alone.

I don't even truly know where I'm going but if Adonis won't help I must figure it out on my own. I throw the loaf of bread at the wall and get up.

I open up my small bag of clothes before taking a deep breathe and pulling a flowy white shirt on with a brown belt and sliding my legs through the pant holes of brown trousers.

I lace up my boots and decide to leave my belongings here. I brush out my long hair before debating whether or not I want to do this. Dimitrios saved me from Grigoris and the rest of them took me in. I owe them this.

I will go to town and find out where Cerebellium is. From there I will swim to straight to Cerebellium if it isn't too far. If it is I will have to stop and rest.

I hear the door swing open behind me, "Going somewhere?"

Adonis asks as I flip around quickly.

"Actually yes, since you don't want to go I will," I walk past him out the door to the kitchen.

"Neither of us are going," he tells me and I roll my eyes.

"Adonis listen, I need you to get it through your thick skull that you don't control me. I don't know if this is coming from some weird twisted place of you thinking you're protecting me but you're not and you have absolutely no say of what I do."

H He's silent for a minute but I notice his fists clench, "If you would have let me finish you would've heard me say I have already sent my soldiers there. I just sent word out to my men stationed close to Cerebellium, they should get there tonight and will update me then."

His voice is steady and calm, but I know he's trying to keep his temper under control by the way his jaw is clenched.

"I appreciate you doing that, thank you Adonis," I try my best to think of a way to ask my next question in a way that won't upset him. "How do you think your soldiers, normally gifted I'm assuming, are going to get Dimitrios, Thomas, Aris, Ben, and Rea back when they were captured? And hypothetically are some of the strongest gifted?"

"You haven't met my soldiers Athanasia," he rolls his eyes. "I trained them myself, they will be fine."

"Fine," I say sternly aware that he missed my point completely. "Do tell me what they say tonight or I'm going myself."

"You're stubborn," he says rubbing his chin. "But I like that about you."

I shake my head and walk away from him but I can't help the little smile that creeps up on my lips.

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