C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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"Poseidon?!" Dimitrios says before I can respond. "That's not possible unless-"

"Correct my friend," the man in the middle says. "You're in Mount Olympus!"

"Zeus?" Dimitrios asks and the large man chuckles nodding his head.

"Making you Hades," Adonis says coming to a realization and the scary man smiles.

We walk over to the gods and stand in front of them. I smile at Poseidon before I hug him, "Thank you for everything," I whisper to him.

Zeus puts a hand on Dimitrios's shoulder and Hades wraps an arm around Adonis's shoulder.

"Who would have thought we'd be here?" Hades belows and motions us to move. "Time to meet the crew!"

He talks casually and Poseidon laughs with Zeus leading the pack. We follow behind them back to where everyone was at before. We enter through the door and I see Thomas, Aris, Rea, Ben, and 5 other kids standing alongside whom I assume are gods.

There's a very distinguishable difference. We follow the gods to the front of the room. All eyes are on us and I hate it.

"Welcome my brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. We have gathered here today for a reason we all are not happy about," Zeus's voice reaches every corner of the room.

He takes a minute before starting again, "The first generation has turned on us."

Whisper amongst the gods spread throughout the room, "Silence!"

He waits for a small time before starting again, "We sent word out to the new generation of demigods, to get them in one place at one time. We knew not everyone would make this journey, Tanya and Celeste you both fought hard but this battle is no longer yours."

Do you think those are the girls who died at Grigoris's dungeons? I mindlink Adonis. He looks at me and nods.

Two girls step forward and bow to Zeus.

"Where are they going?" Adonis asks.

"Beyond," he answers. "May their immortal souls live in harmony for as long as time allows."

The two girls walk up past Zeus toward a balcony but disappearing in a light before they reach there.

"The rest of you still have a long way to go. Your immortality has just begun."

"Immortality?" I interrupt. "If I'm allowed to speak we just observed two girls just disappeared into thin air because they died? That didn't look too immortal to me."

He waves his hand around the air before starting, "Immortality is a broad spectrum little one. Immortals can take immortal lives but no one else unless granted the power. Your souls are what is truly immortal until they are not."

I nod my head showing I understand although the concept of immortality is still not as clear to me as it was when I walked in here.

We really are demigods. Hearing them say it is an insane concept to me. Being here is insane and surreal, I want to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming but even that doesn't wake me up.

"The old generation wants to wipe out ungifted humans and enslave the magical creatures. We can't allow this to happen because we need balance."

Zeus waves his hand and in the middle of the room an Apothecary scale appears in thin air.

"Too much magic..." he weighs down one side and the scale leans to the right. "Throws off the balance in your world, but not enough magic..." he shifts the scale to the other side, "throws off the balance as well."

"Who is the old generation? They're demigods?" I hear Thomas speak up from the crowd. Athena puts a hand on his shoulder.

"The old generation have been around for about a thousand years. They were given their gifts at an elder age because that is how it's always been done," Poseidon explains. "We realized it was time for things to change. That's why you were all given your gifts at birth- it makes you all stronger."

"Stronger or not they have a thousand years on all of us if I'm understanding this right," one of the three people I've never seen before speaks up. There are two men and one girl. The guy speaking is tall and skinny with short brown hair and of course wearing the same white garment we all are.

"It's true they have quite a few years on all of you but there 9 of you all and 6 of them. The numbers are in your favor and you have our support. We hand picked you all for a reason!" Zeus speaks up.

I look over and Adonis is rubbing his head clearly annoyed, "If you hand picked us I'm assuming you hand picked them. Why can't you call them up here, like you did to us and talk to them?! Why would we fight a battle that isn't ours because you all messed up?"

I see Hades smirk, "That was exactly my problem with all this my boy! You see my brothers and sisters chose wrong, that's why you are here." He steps forward and rubs his chin, "While this is all true you still are doing for the sake of your lives because as we observed by the two girls leaving, they are out for you all."

"We can't call them up here because they've disconnected from us and at the moment none of us are strong enough in your world to defeat them," Zeus speaks again. "You all were created different. While they possess a small piece of our powers alike you all possess a small piece of us, that is how you were created. They are all god gifted but you all- you all are demigods."

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