Chapter 3

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Ezra woke up on the ground. He could feel the throbbing pain in the forehead. Drying blood glued his right eye lid. The boy sat up gingerly and looked around. He was surrounded by darkness. Ezra slipped his hand into a backpack and spotted a flare. He unscrewed the pin and red light scattered shadows. He was in a cave, whose entrance was buried. Lovely. Ezra took out his communicator.

"Here Specter 6, Phantom, do you copy?" He responded noise. He tried again. Silence.

Suddenly, a pile of stones began to twitch and revealed Inquisitor. He was furious and bleeding. His eyes blazed with anger.

"Enough" he growled "I lost too much, chasing you"

Pau'an moved toward the terrified boy. Suddenly he fell to his knees, wincing in pain. Probably he had a injured leg. Taking this opportunity, Ezra wanted to move on safe distance, but the Inquisitor was faster. He managed to grab the boy by the ankle and pulled him over. He crushed him with full weight and held Ezra's hands over his head. Young Padawan stiffened in the grip.

"Going somewhere, kid?" Inquisitor hissed thrusting knee (of healthy leg) in the stomach of boy. In the eyes of the victim were tears "Now you will obey, right?"

"Piss off!" Ezra shouted, kicking the enemy's wounded leg. Then he jerked his hand and hit the attacker in the jaw.

Inquisitor's POV

I was furious. Rebellious brat was stubborn and unruly. I wanted to kill him; slowly, painfully, to he beg for death. But I could not. I was hurt, pain distract me, and in addition kid excelled to me with this silly slingshot. Shot in the head could stun me, but in the long run, it will give him anything.

"If you shoot me, you don't get out of here," I informed him.

"What the hell are you talking?" brat snapped. He still had me at gunpoint. I leaned against the rock to get a better view.

"Without me, you will die before the next earthquake, boy" I replied "In these caves are living creatures that will rend you to dinner. I think you'll be delicious meal"

"And they will don't eat you?" boy raised an eyebrow.

"I know the way out. I has commanded squad, who has studied this system of caves. But I do not give advice alone" I pointed out my leg, "You are a street child and have worked with gangs. Don't deny it, I have read your card index. You know that survival sometimes requires cooperation. So let's work together. I will show you the way out, and you will help me walking"

"Why should I trust you?" Ezra turned off the sling, "You are an imperialist, and I'm a rebel. How do I know that as soon as we leave this hole, I will not be arrested by your buddies?"

"I have no buddies among the humans, Ezra" I smiled and pulled out a hand to him "We have a Deal?"

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