Chapter 7

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Easy, guys, I'm still alive. I just needed a break. And in the meantime, a few things have happened. I've had a lot of tests in school. Terry Pratchett has died; he was a favorite writer of mine and my dad. But somehow I gave advice to write it for you all:

There was a roar. Very loud. Inquisitor and Ezra looked in that direction. There stood a relative of monsters, on which rebels led rescue action, but this one was smaller and blind. His back was covered with scars.

"We get up slowly," whispered Inquisitor "it's blind and almost devoid of smell, but it has perfect pitch"

"I understand," whispered Ezra helping him up. The two started walking, trying to avoid the creature. Ezra suddenly stepped on the snake cave. Reptile hissed, what noted predator's attention. Imperialist and Padawan held their breath. The creature moved in the opposite direction. It didn't hear them.

Ezra and Inquisitor went deeper into the corridor, when suddenly Pau'an's injured leg made itself felt. The man groaned and then Predator noticed their presence.

"Crap" sighed Inquisitor.

"RUUUN!" shouted Ezra. He did not have to repeat. Inquisitor wasn't going to push himself into the jaws of the monster. Both began to flee. Ezra noted that Pau'an stopped limping.

Suddenly, sharp claws of predator hit the boy's back. Raven-haired teenager cried out in pain.


"Ezra!" Sabine woke up with tears in her eyes. She still saw the blood of the Ghost's youngest member.

"Sabine, what happens?" Hera entered the girl's room. Twi'lek was ready to support her crew at any time.

"Ezra, he..." Mandalorian's voice broke, "God, I can not stand it! It haunts me; We left Ezra with this... monster!"

"Sab, calm down," Hera wiped away girl's tears, "I repeat to you what I've said to Kanan: We'll find Ezra. And if Inquisitor even touched him, will regret it"


Ezra woke up lying on the stomach. Under his head was some rag. Someone took off the top of his jumpsuit. He felt a damp cloth on the back.

"Don't move, these wounds are serious," Inquisitor whispered into his ear.

"My neck stiffened," said Ezra moving his head. From the corner of his eye, he saw the light on the ceiling of the cave. Small, shiny spots created a beautiful mosaic on the rocks. "What's happened?"

"Cave predator has attacked us," said Pau'an "It tried to make snacks of you. I prevented it. It doesn't like the light"

"Your leg," the boy recalled, "You walk normally!"

"I regenerate myself a little faster than a human" Inquisitor further cleanse the wound "But still for some time, I was useless"

"Because you were injured?!" Ezra blinked "But it's nothing bad"

"My Jedi Master..." Pau'an bit his lip. He did not like to talk about the days when he was a Padawan, "He has taught me that the weakness is a fake, a disease that needs to be eradicated"

"Kanan doesn't say that"

"Kanan didn't finish his training. I did"

"With Vader? Aww! Be careful, It hurts!"

"Really, boy? I'm so sorry"

"Shut up!"

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