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(Yuki's pov) 

Today was Saturday and the day we'd be leaving for the trip. I was so excited, Haruki...not so much, but he said he was coming because he feels that i should be with him and not some idiots as he so kindly put it. 

"Trip! Vacation! Beaches!" I cheered happily in a song tune. Haruki got an irk mark and hit me. "Hoi Onee-chan can stop singing!" He yelled while driving. "Hoi! Idiot keep both hands on the steering wheel!" i yelled. We got into an argument till we pulled up to the school where everyone else was waiting. 

We kept arguing till i decided to end it by ignoring him. "Hey everyone!" I smiled. They sweat dropped and waved. "Hey Haruki glad you could make it!" Naruto waved. "Tch, do i know you?" Haruki asked as he crossed his arms and he raised an eyebrow. 

He let a dangerous aura eit around him, causing everyone to back away. "Scary." they all said. "alright everyone, you already know what bus you're on so go ahead and get on." Kakashi-sensei said. 

"Yuki-chan! You and Haruki are with us!" Ino smiled at me. i smiled and raced over to her, leaving Haruki in the dust. "HOI NEE-CHAN!" Haruki yelled as he race after me. When i got on i looked to see who's on our bus.

It was Ino,Hinata,Gaara, Sasuke, Suigetsu, Karin, Lee, and TenTen. I smiled as at Gaara and he gave me a slight smile too. He patted a empty seat next to him and i was about to go till haruki grabbed my scarf from behind. 

His eyebrow twitched slightly. "Where do you think you're going.?" he asked in a errie voice. i gave an innocent smile. "Haruki-niisan. If you don't get your hormones under check i will punch you." i said sweetly. I saw a shiver run up his spine and he instantly let go. 

"Bipolor much?" TenTen and them said with a sweat drop. I giggled and went and sat next to Gaara. I instantly began to snuggle into his side. "Panda!" i said with a chirp. He let out a husky laugh and put his arm around me. I could feel somebody's eyes boring into me but ignored it. 

(Haruki's pov) 

I sighed as i watched my OLDER sister snuggled with Gaara. 'Sometimes i feel like i should've been born first.' i then looked for an empty seat. i noticed that a lot of the girls kept staring at me but ignored them. I saw Uchiha glaring at my sister and Gaara. 

I smirked and walked over. When i was walking past him i made my bag 'accidentally' hit him behind the head. I heard him hiss and glare at me. I sat down behind his seat, about 2 rows in front of my sister. 

"Stop staring at my sister Uchiha. it might actually look like you care about her." i hissed with venom and sarcasm. He glared at me. "Hn, do you want to start a fight punk?" he growled. "I don't punch sissies. Besides my sister would be pissed." i said ending the conversation. 

I rolled my eyes when a red headed whore came and sat next to Sasuke who kept ignoring her.  I put my headphones on and went to sleep right when the bus began to move.  'These people are such idiots, it's a good thing i came with Yuki.'  i thought as sleep consumed me.

When i woke up i noticed it was dark outside and everyone was knocked out. I looked out the window to see it wasn't snowing anymore. 'Guess we've already left the area...' i thought calmly.  I sighed and closed my eyes again, that is until i felt someone lay down on my lap with a pillow on me.

i opened one eyes to see Yuki.I was sleeping at the end next to the window so she was able to lay down on my lap with her legs slightly curled to her chest. her long blood red scarf still being worn as expected . I removed my earphones as i looked at her. 

She was using her fluffy blanket that had a picture of kittens on it. I sighed heavily. "What are you doing sis?" i asked her. she opened a eye lazily as she then let out a childish sounding  yawn. "I don't feel comfortable."she said softly. "Than why not go sleep on your Gaara?" i asked her with a raised eyebrow. 

She closed her eye. "I want to be here." she said like a child as she snuggled into the pillow she had put on my lap further. I sighed as i ran my hand through her hair. "You're so much work, stupid sister." i muttered. She smiled and looked up at me. "Siblings have to stick together." she said happily. 

I sighed but had a slight smile. "Yea i know, go to sleep troublesome sister." i said as i looked out the window. 

"Night you." she whispered before sleeping fully. I looked down at her and smiled. "Love you too sis." i muttered as i bent down and kissed her forehead before leaning back and closing my eyes and falling asleep.

(Gaara's pov) 

I opened my eyes, not even asleep since i can't. I felt Yuki leave but she didn't come back. i silently got up and looked for her till i saw Haruki and her sleeping. Haruki and her hand were together. I smiled slightly. 

'I'm so glad she has a sibling like you, Haruki. Keep her safe because no matter how much i've been there i know you're the real reason why she's still breathing.' i thought as i walked back to my seat to go to sleep again.

Slow to my heart ~Modern Sasuke/ Gaara/ Levi crossover love story~Where stories live. Discover now