You meanie!

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(Yuki's pov) 

i was  originally walking to school till i found this really cute kitten, who's fur was pure black and had dark charcoal eyes. He was so cute as he meowed and purred. I was bent down so i put him on my knees and scratched him behind his ears.

"There's the cat creep." "Ew, she's so disgusting looking, loner." came 2 girl's voices. i looked to my right with a innocent smile to see them scoffing and glaring at me.

I waved at them but they just laughed and walked away. i turned back to my kitty and smiled more at him. "You're so cute, but i have to get to school." i said quietly and softly as i carefully placed him on the floor.

He meowed at me with a confused face. i chuckled and rubbed him from his head to his tail before standing up and walking to school.

I soon approached the buildings of the private Konoha High school. There were groups of girls standing in a group texting and guys laughing.

I had my hands behind my back as i took long strides into the school humming to myself. I had my iPod in my pocket with my ear buds in my ears, and trust me i wasn't oblivious to the fact that girls were talking crap about me just because my long right bangs covered my entire right eye.

But i wasn't about to pay attention to them and waste my time.

I saw a few girls giving me pity looks and jealous glares. I could faintly hear guys yelling perverted things and their friends laughing. I still had a bright smile as i walked into school.

But when i got in the hallways, it couldn't be worse. A jock with his girl friend purposely banged into me causing me to fall onto the floor. My books that fell from my bag were scattered everywhere alongs with my ear buds coming out.

I quickly put it away so they couldn't take it. 

I frowned as i started picking my books up but then some of them were kicked and my private book was grabbed. i tried to grab it away but the jock held it away from me.

"Wow old cat lady, what secrets you got in here?" he asked smirking. "Probably just all the guys she fucked!" his girlfriend laughed and the rest of them formed a circle around me laughing too. 

He was about to read it till it was taken out of his hands. We all looked to see the kid i know as Inuzaka Kiba. 

"The hell do you think your doing? A woman shouldn't be treated like that Jake." he said. Kiba was also a fellow jock. The man named Jake growled as he pushed Kiba. "Man she's just another whore." he yelled pointing at me.

I frowned and looked down. I then heard a punching sound and something fall to the ground. i looked to my side to see the jock on the ground with a bloody nose and his girlfriend was screaming while the other guys backed off of the fuming Kiba.

"Shut the fuck up! Scram" he yelled. The jocks ran away. he then turned to me with a soft smile. "Are you alright?" he asked me. i sat there shocked but soon broke out of it as i stood up with my bag and a forced smile. i nodded.

He awkwardly gave me back my book. I rubbed the cover of it and smiled down at it. "hey, maybe we should go." Kiba said laughing sheepishly as we looked to see the whole hallway looking at us. i blushed a little and nodded.

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