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*~Two Years Before The First Film~*

Y/n's POV:

"Let me out! Let me out! Please!" Terror was taking over. I had woken up in a metal box, no memory of who I am or how I got here. All I remember was a sense of drowning, a loss of oxygen and an inability to breathe. I'd woken up from a coma-like state, gasping for air, waiting for my lungs to fill with it. After a minute or so of screaming, I realised that no-one could probably even hear me, I mean I'm in what seems to be an elevator shaft, moving upwards at an increasing speed, my voice was probably drowned out by the metal walls surrounding the cage I was locked in. I took another look at my surroundings, the floor was a solid, opaque piece of metal, unlike the seemingly more flimsy metal chicken wire looking fence around the sides of the enclosure. In each of the the corners were 3 barrels filled with who knows what with the letters W.C.K.D. I stood up, my knees trembling underneath me and I looked above my head. The same fencing on the sides was on the top of the cage too and as I ascended fast as ever I noticed a red light getting alarmingly close. I shut my eyes waiting for impact as the red lights lit up the top of the elevator shaft and lets face it, I was probably going to die. The fear hit me so hard that I was momentarily passed out on the floor of the compartment.

The clunking of metal was probably what initially woke me. Then the voices brought me more into my consciousness. When I opened my eyes, I was met with sunlight and once my eyes had adjusted to the brightness, I could make out a group of 10 or 11 boys surrounding the box, doors at the top of it still closed.

"Go on then, get her out of there," a voice came from above. I was still lying on the ground, trying to process what had just happened and also trying to understand who I was and where I was too. A boy who looked around the same age as me pulled open the top of the box, jumping in and holding out his hand for me to take.

"Gally." He said, "My name's Gally," he added, seeing the confused look on my face. I ignored his outstretched hand and pushed myself up from the floor.

"I don't need your help," I snarled harshly, hiding my inner fear behind a fierce façade, pushing his hand away and jumping out of the box. The boy named Gally clambered out after me.  

"Day 1, Greenie, welcome to the Glade," he said.

"The Glade? Greenie? Where am I? Who am I? Who are you all?"

"So many questions!" Gally said sarcastically, turning to two other boys. One with pale skin, light brown hair and blue eyes, around the same age as me too by the looks of it, and another boy, a year or two older in looks of a darker complexion. He was tall, wearing a simple light green, long-sleeved shirt and darker green jeans. He stepped forward, placing a hand on my shoulder. 

"I know this is all very confusing, but come with me and I'll explain everything that I know," I nodded as he led me towards a large tower and we climbed to the top sitting over the edge and looking over at the land below us.

"I'm assuming you don't remember anything?"


"Not even your name?" I shook my head.

"It'll come back to you in a few days, just like everyone else's did, it's the one thing they let us keep. None of us remember anything else. The glade, this place," he says pointing around the land within the walls, " is our home for the foreseeable future, we have no idea who put us here, why they out us here, or how to get out,"

"What's behind the walls?"

"You'll find out if you ever become a runner,"

"What's a runner?"

"There's 12 of us here all together, now including you, and we all have a job. I'm first in command. I was the first Glader to come up in The Box, a new person will come up once a month, so I spent a whole month alone, keeping count of the days, building some simple shelter and eventually venturing out beyond the walls to find out what was behind there, and I'll tell you what, it scared the shit out of me. Anyway, back to the jobs. First off, you have the runners, they go out in the morning when the doors open and come back before the doors close again for the night, they work on trying to find a way out of this shithole. Then there's the builders, they, as you've probably guessed, build stuff. Next is the cooks, the prepare and serve the meals for everyone 3 times a day. The slicers look after the live stock and kill them when they are needed for food. The track-hoes do the hard work around our plants and crops, like trenching. The gardeners tend to the crops and get rid of weeds. The Med-Jacks tend to the injured. Sloppers are those who aren't good at any of the jobs and do the dirty work, like cleaning the Blood House and toilets. There's the baggers who take care of any dead bodies, though there haven't been any casualties yet. And finally there's the Map-Makers, who, you know, it's in the name, make maps." The whole time Alby was talking I sat there nodding slowly, with the the occasional "mhm," or "okay."

"One last question. What's a greenie?"

"Oh, it's just what we call you new arrivals," That's when we were interrupted by the brown-haired boy from earlier.

"You two coming down, Fry's serving dinner?" Alby grimaces slightly, clearly the food isn't so good here. "Nice to meet you by the way, I'm Newt," he says extending his hand for me to shake it.

"I'd introduce myself too, but I kinda don't know who I am so guess we're rain checking my introduction," Newt laughs at this slightly before climbing down the ladder, beckoning me to follow suit. I can tell I'm gonna get on with someone at least.  


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